ALBURY WODONGA MOTORCYCLE ENTHUSIASTS CLUB INC. Incorporated 2015 (Vic) Cert No. A0091002P ABN 36 359 421 929 PO Box 1400, Albury NSW 2640
General Meeting – Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club (Inc)
Date 27 April 2021
Venue Wodonga RSL Club
Meeting opened by V. President Phil Stuckey at 8:01PM.
Phil advised the meeting that Roger McGregor had decided to withdraw from the Club Presidents position which means that the President’s position remains vacant.
1. Attendees
Members: 62
Visitors: 1
2. Apologies
Tod Donohue, Ross Riley, Elsie Romey, Kevin Cornelius, David Johnston, Brian Baker
3. Previous Minutes
Minutes of the previous Committee Meeting of 23 March 2021 were read.
Moved: Dave Lutton
Seconded: Col Broster – Carried
- 4. Business Arising from Previous Minutes a. Col Brosters’s request to have minutes read at meetings:
- b. Minutes from the committee meeting held 21 April to be circulated prior to the next meeting
Phil moved
– That this request be voted on during the next general meeting
Seconded by Col B
5. Correspondence (In and Out)
6. Membership Officer’s Report: Glenn Kimpton – Membership Officer
Started with 196 members
7 did not renew
5 new members tonight
201 members overall
There was discussion around a new insurer with respect to numbers of members we can have.
Dave Lutton to follow that up.
7. Treasurers Report: Dave Lutton – Treasurer
Opening Balance $19725.16
Closing Balance $20054.23
Moved: Dave Lutton
Seconded: Bruce Phemister
8. Editor/Web Manager’s Report: Michael Sarroff – Web Manager & Editor
Michael gave a report on the progress of the website and the club email system.
Request for material to post on the website – stories, for sales, wanted, rides, shows, etc – just email Michael to add content.
9. Welfare Officer’s Report: Mike Yerbury – Welfare Officer
Len McCallum is doing alright, looking good with a few months to mend.
10. Ride & Rally Report: Stewie McLean – Ride & Rally Chair
• Thowgla ride
• Lakes entrance ride 9 riders, 3 clubies. Good run over, great run back
• Mid week, coffee ride Eldorado, 12 riders, 5 clubies
• Dirt ride, 5 riders, good day out
• Anzac poker run, Neil Hillas – party unlimited over 240 bikes, 8 members.
• See club site re Darwin run or contact Stewie.
• 22-23 May – Historic Winton – Terry Gay racing his side car, need to book online, no gate tickets
11. General Business
• RSL have advised that need guaranteed minimum of 20 meals or else will have to move our meetings to 7pm without meals. – to be discussed at Management Committee in the next week or so.
• Doug Flack – reminded that club membership is tied to your rego. If club membership lapses so does your rego. This will mean a completely new rego application. Don’t let your membership lapse. Paul Bullock. to clarify that status with both NSW and VIC.
• Col Broster – we should be doing more for community projects, charities, people in need with the funds that we have built up.
• Phil Stuckey spoke to a previous decision that the club maintained $12k in the bank – in the new policy document.
• Paul Hare spoke to the idea of donating to the RSL for the use of their facilities.
• Graeme Male confirmed the funds for the rally committee was still available – yes, it was a separate account.
12. Club Regalia
Available items presented by Regalia Committee
13. Guest Speaker / Show and tell:
Two Pauls (Bullock & Hare) presented & spoke of their Kawasaki 650’s
14. Whiteboard:
As read
15. Raffle Draw:
Raised $219.00 gross
First – John Muratore – Spanners
Second – Doug Flack – Spanner set
Third – Richard Fisher – Wine
Fourth – Steve Short – Wine – redrawn – Kelly Coutts-Smith.
16. Meeting Close and Next Meeting
Closed 9.30 PM
Next meeting May 25, venue to be advised.