2021-04-27 Minutes of Membership Meeting

 ALBURY WODONGA MOTORCYCLE ENTHUSIASTS CLUB INC. Incorporated 2015 (Vic) Cert No. A0091002P ABN 36 359 421 929 PO Box 1400, Albury NSW 2640 www.AWMEC.com.au 

 General Meeting – Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club (Inc) 

Date 27 April 2021 

Venue Wodonga RSL Club 

Meeting opened by V. President Phil Stuckey at 8:01PM. 

Phil advised the meeting that Roger McGregor had decided to withdraw from the Club Presidents position which means that the President’s position remains vacant. 

1. Attendees 

Members: 62 

Visitors: 1 

2. Apologies 

Tod Donohue, Ross Riley, Elsie Romey, Kevin Cornelius, David Johnston, Brian Baker 

3. Previous Minutes 

Minutes of the previous Committee Meeting of 23 March 2021 were read. 

Moved: Dave Lutton 

Seconded: Col Broster – Carried 

  1. 4. Business Arising from Previous Minutes a. Col Brosters’s request to have minutes read at meetings: 
  2. b. Minutes from the committee meeting held 21 April to be circulated prior to the next meeting 

Phil moved 

– That this request be voted on during the next general meeting 

Seconded by Col B 


5. Correspondence (In and Out) 




6. Membership Officer’s Report: Glenn Kimpton – Membership Officer 

Started with 196 members 

7 did not renew 

5 new members tonight 

201 members overall 

There was discussion around a new insurer with respect to numbers of members we can have. 

Dave Lutton to follow that up. 

7. Treasurers Report: Dave Lutton – Treasurer 

Opening Balance $19725.16 

Closing Balance $20054.23 

Moved: Dave Lutton 

Seconded: Bruce Phemister 


8. Editor/Web Manager’s Report: Michael Sarroff – Web Manager & Editor 

Michael gave a report on the progress of the website and the club email system. 

Request for material to post on the website – stories, for sales, wanted, rides, shows, etc – just email Michael to add content. 

9. Welfare Officer’s Report: Mike Yerbury – Welfare Officer 

Len McCallum is doing alright, looking good with a few months to mend. 

10. Ride & Rally Report: Stewie McLean – Ride & Rally Chair 

Thowgla ride 

• Lakes entrance ride 9 riders, 3 clubies. Good run over, great run back 

Mid week, coffee ride Eldorado, 12 riders, 5 clubies 

• Dirt ride, 5 riders, good day out 

Anzac poker run, Neil Hillas – party unlimited over 240 bikes, 8 members. 

See club site re Darwin run or contact Stewie. 

22-23 May – Historic Winton – Terry Gay racing his side car, need to book online, no gate tickets 

11. General Business 

RSL have advised that need guaranteed minimum of 20 meals or else will have to move our meetings to 7pm without meals. – to be discussed at Management Committee in the next week or so. 

Doug Flack – reminded that club membership is tied to your rego. If club membership lapses so does your rego. This will mean a completely new rego application. Don’t let your membership lapse. Paul Bullock. to clarify that status with both NSW and VIC. 

Col Broster – we should be doing more for community projects, charities, people in need with the funds that we have built up. 

Phil Stuckey spoke to a previous decision that the club maintained $12k in the bank – in the new policy document. 

Paul Hare spoke to the idea of donating to the RSL for the use of their facilities. 

Graeme Male confirmed the funds for the rally committee was still available – yes, it was a separate account. 

12. Club Regalia 

Available items presented by Regalia Committee 

13. Guest Speaker / Show and tell: 

Two Pauls (Bullock & Hare) presented & spoke of their Kawasaki 650’s 

14. Whiteboard: 

As read 

15. Raffle Draw: 

Raised $219.00 gross 

First – John Muratore – Spanners 

Second – Doug Flack – Spanner set 

Third – Richard Fisher – Wine 

Fourth – Steve Short – Wine – redrawn – Kelly Coutts-Smith. 

16. Meeting Close and Next Meeting 

Closed 9.30 PM 

Next meeting May 25, venue to be advised.