2021-10-26 Minutes of Committee Meeting



Incorporated 2015 (Vic) Cert No. A0091002P ABN 36 359 421 929 

PO Box 1400, Albury NSW 2640 www.AWMEC.com.au 

Committee Meeting Minutes – Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club (Inc) Date Tuesday 26 October 2021 

Time 7.00 PM 

Venue Virtual meeting by Zoom set up by Secretary Sam 


  1. Attendees. 

Sam Trabant (Secretary), Phil Stuckey (President & Constitution & Rules  Officer), Michael Sarroff (Vice President & Web Manager & Editor), David  Lutton (Treasurer), Glenn Kimpton (Membership Officer), Mike Yerbury (Welfare & Fellowship Officer), George Stahl (Committee Member) 

  1. Apologies – nil (Paul & Doug may have had difficulty with the Zoom link) 3. Previous Minutes 22/7/21. Moved Sam, seconded Michael S – passed 
  2. Business arising from previous minutes. 
  3. Ratification of Clubs new policy Document – passed with amendment  to clause 2.1. on 27/7/21 by Committee members by email and is now  adopted as AWMWC Club Policy Document 
  4. Thank you card sent to Nowacki’s by Mike Y 
  5. Asset register – listed below 
  6. Motion ‘As we have not been able to hold a meeting or rides since June (rides  now resumed), the Club will remove the participation requirement for this year  (2021) but to return to normal requirement of participation in minimum of two  Club activities for members accessing the Club Plate system through AWMEC in 2022’ 

 moved George; Seconded David – passed 

  1. Policy on future meetings re vaccination requirements, access etc; This issue was discussed by the Committee and agreed that we will be guided  by State Government requirements as apply on either side of the border and  the requirements of venues that we are attending.
  2. Confirmation of Club Christmas party dates, venues & organiser; Agreed to aim to hold the Christmas lunch on Sunday December 12th (as  listed on the ride calendar) and also agreed to hold it in NSW as NSW  government had indicated that vaccination would not be required from  December 1st (in case we have members who have not been able to receive  double vaccination by then). Agreed to ask Graeme Male & the Fundraising  Committee to organise the lunch again. The Committee also agreed that as  we have been unable to hold any Club supported events this year and  Treasurer confirms sufficient funds, the Club would pay up to $30.00 p.h. for  members meal (non-members to pay their own way) and also approved up to  $800.00 for the Fundraising Committee to spend on gifts for those attending &  decorations. 

Moved Michael S; Seconded Mike Y – passed 

  1. Facebook pages with names similar to ours causing potential confusion.  Report by Web Manager & Editor, Michael Sarroff; 

Concerns have been raised over two Facebook riding groups operating in the  local area with names very similar to Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts  Club. One group which was called Albury/Wodonga Weekend Riders changed  

their name to Albury/Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts in April 2021 but  Michael S approached their administrator who agreed to change their name to  Albury/Wodonga Motorcycle Group from October 2021 to avoid confusion with  us. The other group is called is called Albury/Wodonga Motorcycle Riders And  Enthusiast’s Group which is also very similar to our name however this name  has been used as their Facebook name since 2011 which was several years  before AWMEC was formed so we have no grounds to ask them to change it. 

Michael has set up and activated a new Facebook page for AWMWC called  www.facebook.com/AWMEC. This page is now active and all members active  on Facebook are invited to get involved (this page will be managed & closely  monitored by our Web Manager & Editor). 

  1. Asset register progress – as per policy doc (David) 

David reported that he has completed the Clubs asset register and will  circulate it to the Committee 

10.General Business 

George advised that he has spoken to the Talgarno Hall representatives and  they would be happy to put on a Club BBQ with sufficient notice (min 3  weeks) at reasonable price (to be arranged). Mike Y will raise this with the  Ride Committee who will liaise with George to organise for January or  February 2022. 

11.Meeting closed 8pm, Next meeting to be advised.