2021-11-23 Minutes of General Meeting



Incorporated 2015 (Vic) Cert No. A0091002P ABN 36 359 421 929 

PO Box 1400, Albury NSW 2640 www.AWMEC.com.au 

General Meeting – Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club (Inc) MINUTES 

Date: 23 November 2021 

Venue: Wodonga RSL Club 

Meeting opened at 8pm by President Phil Stuckey 

  1. Welcome & Attendees (as per attendees register) 

Members: 73 Visitors: 4 

  1. Apologies

Bill Brennan, Kevin Star, Sam Trabant, Rod Pritchard, Kate Thomas, Paul Adams, Adam  Greenwood, David Johnston, Col Broster, Lyell Williamson, Andrew de Vries, John Bullock 

  1. Previous Minutes

Minutes of General Meeting June 22, 2021 

Moved: Bruce Phemister Seconded: Michael Sarroff – carried 

Minutes of Management Committee Meeting October 26 2021 presented 

  1. Business Arising from Previous Minutes
  2. Meal voucher proposal – has been finalised but due to interruptions in meetings this year will postpone to next year 
  3. Vic Roads proposal to change Permit Scheme bikes to 30 years hasn’t happened,  remains at 25 years. 
  4. Correspondence (In and Out)

As the treasurer was a late apology there was no correspondence report 

Mail in: 

Mail out: 

  1. Membership Officer’s Report: Glenn Kimpton, Membership Officer 

Started with 205 members 

4 new members tonight 

209 members at end of meeting 

Moved: Glenn Seconded: Kelly Coutts-Smith – carried 

2022 Membership fees now due & to be paid by 31/12/21

  1. New member introductions:

Craig Williams no 292, Ian Smith no 293, Renai Devriendt no 294, Earl Devriendt no 295 8. Treasurer’s Report: David Lutton, Treasurer 

Opening Balance 1/10/21 $20,298.75 Closing Balance $ 20,368.75 at 31/10/21 

David gave details of income & expenditure for June to October – Club liability insurance  $1,583.02 was paid in November 

Moved: David Lutton Seconded: Mark Lennon – carried 

Income & expenditure Spread sheet available to members on request 

  1. Editor/Web Manager’s Report: Michael Sarroff, Web Manager/Editor 

Michael said that we had had 140 hits on our web site. Article on Norton HQ worth looking  at. For sale section to be updated as per Club policy 

new Club Facebook page at www.facebook.com/AWMEC , for those on Facebook, get  involved & make contributions. Michael pointed out that any relevant Club information would  be on the Clubs web site as well as Facebook page for those not using Facebook. 

Moved: Michael Seconded: Raff Gangi – carried 

10.Welfare Officer’s Report: Michael Yerbury, Welfare Officer 

Len McCullum is at tonight’s meeting for the first time after his accident last year, Len was  welcomed back. 

Neil Dickenson also at tonight’s meeting after undergoing major surgery. Moved: Mike Seconded: Chris Brosolo – carried 

11.Ride & Rally Report: Stewie Mclean, Ride Committee Chair 

  • Several mid-week coffee runs since restrictions eased have been well attended First reinstated ride to Corryong for lunch had 18 bikes & 20 people 
  • Ride to Myrtleford had 12 bikes 
  • Doug Cowie reported on Vintage club rally in the local area 
  • Next ride this weekend 28/11 
  • Postponed weekend ride to Jindabyne on December 4th & 5th

Moved: Stewie Seconded: Neil Hillas – carried 

12.General Business 

  • Committee at October 26th meeting voted to suspend participation requirements again  for 2021, will re commence next year 2022. Not being vaccinated or having authorised  exemption will not be considered a valid reason for not meeting participation  requirements.
  • Club Christmas Party on Sunday December 19th at Howlong Golf Club 12 md. Club is  paying for meals for members, cost to non-members is $30, drinks at bar prices.  Graeme & Fundraising committee organising, bookings essential to Graeme by Friday  10/12 
  • Rod Pritchards Honda CX500 modified was stolen last night – please keep an eye out Clubs new Policy Document – Phil presented the Policy Document & summarised key  sections of the document – there were no questions or comments.  

Moved: Phil Stuckey Seconded: Kelly Coutts-Smith – carried 

13.Club Regalia 

Hats: $20 

Stubbie Holders: $8 

Stickers: $1 

Sew on Patches: $10 

Machine Badges: $20 

NOTE: Embroidery Creations at 426 Wilson St, Albury can provide polo shirts bearing the AWMEC logo. 

14.Guest Speaker / Show and tell: 

Peter Leddin displayed his Raleigh 500 rebuilt with the help of a number of club members  over 17 years – the finished bike is a great tribute to Peter & those who assisted. 

Roger McGregor presented & discussed three products that he has found useful in  restoration work – Penetrol rust treatment; Glyptal engine paint & sealer for painting  internals of castings etc; Electroless Nickel is a spray on nickel coating not requiring  electrolysis. 

Members wishing to present a project bike or guest speaker at a club meeting should contact Kelly Coutts-Smith (0458  179 411) to arrange a presentation time. Text is the best way to contact Kelly as she is not always able to take phone  calls during the day due to work. Email is also ok – Kelly’s email is kcoutts-smith@hotmail.com 

15.Whiteboard: (Sponsored by Flack Engineering) 

Under the Clubs Policy, listed items will stay on the Whiteboard & Website for 3 months  after which they will be removed unless the advertiser advises the Secretary or Web  Manager that the item/s is still available/wanted 

For Sale: 

  • Moto Guzzi 1968 V7 700 $21,500 – contact Terry Gay 0408 625 985 Torque jacket with lining GTOF $80 – contact Bill Brennan 0458 294 237 TDM 900 G.C. $3,000 – contact Dave Sinclair 0419 985 556 


  • None currently listed 

16.Raffle Draw: 

Raised $291.50 gross Club Regalia sales: $110.00 

First – Doug Flack – spanners

Second – Kevin Corneliusen – tool pro socket set 

Third – Stewie McLean – wine 

Fourth – Clint Van De Stadt – wine 

Additional prize donated by Dam Classic Racing – Greg Parish – Tie downs won by Ross  Edwards 

17.Meeting Close and Next Meeting 

Closed: 9.09 PM  

Next event: Club Christmas Party December 19th Howlong Golf Club 

Next General Meeting: 25 January 2022, RSL club Wodonga. 

NOTE we had 28 members & guests having a meal at the RSL tonight.