2022-04-26 Minutes of General Meeting

Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club (Inc)

Minutes of Membership Meeting

Minutes of AWMEC membership general meeting held at German Austrian Australian Club on 26 April 2022.

The meeting was opened by Phil Stuckey (President) at 7.34 pm.

Phil welcomed all new members and guests.

Number of members Present (As per Register)

Members 49. Visitors 4

Phil explained the importance of filling in the attendance book -if you have club plated bikes the meeting is a club event and is recorded in the club database. (minimum of 2 events required -per club rule.)


Troy Sheppard, Doug Flack, Paul Hare, Paul Bullock, Dexter Cobbin, Steve Short, John Bullock, Dave Sheppard, Maugan Redden, Mick Johnston, Steve Milich, Bruce Ball, Ben Humphries, Buck Gardiner, Russell Cole, Dave Sinclair

Phil welcomed and introduced the new members of the committee. Chris Brosolo – Membership officer. Clint and Sandy Van De Stadt – Secretary. List of Office Bearers on the website.

Previous Minutes (March 22nd, 2022 Meeting)

As previously circulated by email – a hard copy is available.

Proposed by Doug Cowie. Seconded by Stewie Mclean. Minutes accepted and carried.

Business Arising from Previous minutes

  1. Members still needed to join and help on 2 committees.

Rally and events committee: chaired by Neil Hillas.

Don Stewart volunteered for this after the AGM. 1 or 2 people are still required.

This committee is responsible for – Annual Club Rally, (no rally for 2 years due to Covid) and Bikes and Blues looking for a new venue, and other rallies that may come up. Volunteers required. Please contact Phil or Neil if you can assist.

The fundraising and Regalia Committee: chaired by Kelly Coutts-Smith still needs assistance.

Assistance is required on the meeting nights

  1. Kristina Greenwood (Professional Artist & Muralist)

She is keen to do commissions for bikes. Contact : Mob: 0474 308 536

Email: kristinagreenwood@outlook.com

Visit her website: www.kristinagreenwoodart.com or see clubs website.

Correspondence in

Historic Vehicles – Newsletter – “Through the Windscreen”.

Advert from Border Storage Units Jindera – Andrew Broughton mob 0437 475 040

Vic Roads Notification “changes to club permit scheme”- Web manager to add link to website.

Two invoices from Chook Chook -web hosting.

Australia Post Renewal notice – club post box.

Email from Belinda Owen – Campaspe Shire Council regarding cruising in the region.

Email from Jacques- Gearshifter website- facilitate buying and selling of items.

Email from Diane – looking for somewhere local to buy a Trike motorcycle Ride for husbands birthday – mob 0419 621 177

Correspondence out

Replied to Belinda Owen and Diane.

Membership Officers Report- Chris Brosolo, Membership Officer

New data base. – extracting information work in progress. Current membership -210 members.

Two new members joined tonight , Chris welcomed them and they introduced themselves- Graham Grescke and Frank Ryan.

8 members waiting for badges (need at least 2 more to place order)

Contact Chris – list of badges ready to be collected.

Treasurers Report – David Lutton, Treasurer

Opening Balance 29/2/2022 $ 24,330.12 – Closing Balance 31/3/22. $24,697.12

March Income. ($637.00) – Regalia -$10.00, Raffle $ 242.00 ,Memberships -$385.00.

March Expenses ($270.00) – It/Web – $270.00

Editor/Web Manager’s Report – Michael Sarroff, Web Manager/Editor

The website is coming along well and being used by many people as a point of reference and contact. The month of April saw an addition to the website.

Website Additions and Improvements:

Michael has added a member’s business directory. This space is free to use by current members of AWMEC to display, advertise their businesses.

Any member wishing to post their details on the website ,can simply send an email to the Editor containing some details: for example:-

Business Name:, …. Description: … Contact: … Photo: … Business Card: ….

Michael reported the usage statistics figures:

One example was – The Total Unique Visitors for the month of April – 180

Most recent news posts:

– April’s Meal Menu at GAAC


– Sponsor Me for The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride – Fundraiser

– 22 May 22, The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride

Members are welcome to submit content for posting on the website

Email Michael at editor@awmec.com.au

Welfare Officer’s Report – Mike Yerbury, Welfare Officer

Stewie Mclean informed Mike that Bill Brennan is ill and is in hospital. Michael contacted him and he is improving.

Steve Short is seriously ill in hospital. Michael will see him to give him support and assistance.

Mike requested if you know of members that are ill let him know so he can keep in touch.

Ride and Rally Report – Stewie Mclean Ride Committee Chair.

Lakes Entrance – 4 Riders weather not so good. Stewie was in back up vehicle.

John McInnes reported a very challenging ride in the rain.

He also reported on the Mid-Week Ride, 6 April – 7 Riders left from Ettamogah Pub (Tabletop Hotel) round trip, back to pub . Good value for coffee and food at $15.00. Good day

The Poker Run – 25/4/22 –

Stewie: – All monies raised for Legacy. $12,000.00 raised on the day. Overall they have raised over $130,000.00.

Neil Hillas: 287 Bikes mostly Harleys. 3 AWMEC plated bikes and 7 members, 200km round trip. Good day – Monies raised stays local – Highly Recommended.

Stewie: In the last 12 months as a machine examiner, he has seen 40 different bikes. Managed to have 27 Rides , 10 were coffee rides – (Wednesdays) totalling about 400 Riders from the club Approx. ¼ were club plated.

Rides coming up:

Coffee Ride coming up 4 May. (Wednesday).

Mike Yerbury – Annual Ride to the Winery and to the pub for lunch – coming soon.

Future rides to be announced on website.

Annual Club Rallies:

Neil Hillas Reported – Non-due to Covid for last 2 years. Annual Rally this year to be held further away – For Example – Dartmouth (to confirm). Date last weekend Sept, first weekend October (to confirm). Looking for assistance to help with this event – John McInnes and Mark Clifford volunteered to help, we will still need assistance on the day.

Phil requested acceptance of all reports: Proposed: Kelly Coutts-Smith. Seconded – Elsie Romey

Accepted and passed.

General Business –

Venue change

This is third meeting at GAA, was agreed we would vote after a three-month trial.

Phil called for a vote to stay at this venue or change to another venue.

– At the moment the RSL has no catering.

– GAA would like us to stay

– GAA meals to increase from $20 to $22 for 2 course meal –still very reasonable considering catering prices have increased.

Graeme Male called for a discussion.

– Re – stay at GAA or return to RSL. Dave (RSL) would like to have us back at RSL. But is not sure what is happening, they have a Temporary chef and Graeme believed we should support the RSL. Better carpark, more central to our needs.

– GAA club is in back end of Wodonga and poor parking. Vehicles damaged.

– There were problems at previous venues and the RSL accommodated us at short notice. Some venues required payment to use the facilities. He put forward to the committee to stay at GAA or return to the RSL.

Doug Cowey proposed that we stay another 2 months and then revisit the decision of the venue change as the RSL have an AGM in the next week and may have a new committee which could change their situation. Seconded by Patrick Povolny.

Mark Clifford proposed that we stay until the end of the year. Seconded by Ben Sheck-Townsend.

Phil called for a show of hands: Result : 23 in favour of Doug Cowie. 21 in favour of Mark Clifford.

Doug Cowey proposal accepted and carried.

Other general

Stewie Mclean enquired from the AGM about the $1583.00 payment for insurance.

David Lutton explained it covered public liabilities and claims during events and rallies for over 200 members. David will give a summary of cover provided at next meeting.

Michael Sarroff – Gentleman’s Ride 22 May Myrtleford. He is taking his bike on the trailer if you would like to join him. Michael is part of the fund raising for the event – donations greatly accepted.

Michael Sarroff- proposed to add a segment in the Agenda for questions and tips etc. A technical Q & A.

This was accepted and carried.

Stewie Mclean -reported Mick Fell’s 2007 Harley low Rider – Red has been stolen from a locked garage in Smith street Albury. Reg: FO 334. Mick mob: 0438 440 843.

Stewie Mclean – New Traverse magazine article by Stewie, 13 pages about on the trip of his to Nepal – Adventure Bikes around the world.

Terry Gay – 45th Classic / Historic Winton 28/29 May Come and visit him in the pits. Old Bikes and cars. Great day out with displays etc. Purchase Tickets online. Michael to put link on website.

Club Regalia- Kelly Coutts-Smith – Fund Raising and Regalia Committee.

Items currently available for purchase are sew on badges, stubby holders, machine badges, stickers and caps.

Embroidery Creations at 426 Wilson Street, Albury can provide polo shirts bearing the AWMEC logo.

Kelly is looking for guest speakers to share their stories or pictures, project bikes etc.

Raffle Draw

Kelly thanked Graeme and Evelyn for doing this in the past. Any other ideas for prizes please contact Kelly.

First Prize – Roy Whitehouse.

Second Prize – Paul Birch

Third Prize – Neil Hillas



2 WA Shift jeans with DuPont Kevlar & Body Armour – Contact Michael Sarroff at editor@awmec.com.au

2002 Yamaha TDM900P Contact – Michelle Sinclair 0427 245 804.

Brand New Rear Tyre for Moto Guzzi Roma – Contact Don 0488 373 143.

Seat for Moto Guzzi V7. – Contact Don 0488 373 143.

1968 Moto Guzzi V7 (V700) Contact Terry 0408 625 985.

Old style Fibreglass Fairing Contact Troy 0401 716 633

Nolan Full Face Helmet Contact Elsie 0409 668 731.


TT350 Yamaha Trail Bike Contact Adrian 0438 281 721

Kawasaki GPZ 900 Fuel Tank Contact Geoff 0400 920 278.

1972 Honda K2 750 Exhaust Original Contact Peter Coulston 0418 424 895.

NOTE – White Board items will be removed after three months unless the advertiser advises the Club Secretary or Web Manager that they would like the add continued for another month (then renewed on a month to month basis).

Next Meeting.

24th May 2022 – GAA – 7.30pm. meals available from 5.30

Meeting Closed-

The meeting was closed at 8.47pm by Phil Stuckey.