2022-05-11 Steve Short Funeral Service

2022-05-11 Steve Short Funeral Service


Hello AWMEC members

It is my very sad duty to inform you of the death yesterday of our immediate past President, Steve Short. Steve had been battling cancer for a while but didn’t want his battle to be broadcast, so this news may come as a shock to some of you.

Steve’s funeral will be next Wednesday, May 11th, 10 am at Lester & Sons 359 Wantigong St, North Albury. Wake arrangements TBA.

I’m sure Steve’s family & friends would appreciate as many of our Club members as can make it, joining them to farewell a great Club member & friend. Due to the location of Lester & Sons & limited parking, it may not be practical to organise a bike precession to Lester & Sons but I will advise if this changes.

This is a very sad loss for Steve’s family & friends and also for our Club as Steve has been a great contributor over a number of years.

Let’s think of the good times shared with ‘Shorty’,

Phil Stuckey