2022-05-24 Minutes of General Meeting

General Meeting – Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club (Inc)

Minutes of Meeting

Date: 24 May 2022  Time: 7.30 pm (meals available from 5.30pm)

Venue : German Austrian Australian Club, 5 McFarland Road, Wodonga

  1. Welcome & Attendees

    Meeting Opened at 7.32 with welcome by Phil Stuckey (President) as the Meetings Chair.
    Attendees as per the Attendance Book and Entry in the OCC Database.
    Members 32 and Visitors 4

Phil explained the importance of filling in the attendance book -if you have club plated bikes the meeting is a club event and is recorded in the club database. (Minimum of 2 events required – per club rule.)


  1. Apologies

Clinton & Sandy Van De Stadt, Neil Hillas, Bill Brennan, Colin Broster, Don Stewart, Ian Smith, Andrew de Vries, Peter Coulston, Michael Johnston, Michelle & Dave Sinclair, Fred King, Graeme & Evelyn Male, Kevin Star, Peter McDonald, John Kirby, Maugan Redden,  Glenn Withers , Craig Wilson, Allan Wilson


  1. Previous Minutes

Minutes of General Meeting April 26th  – as circulated by email, displayed on the website and made available on the front table prior to the meeting.

Phil asked about the QTY of paper printed minutes. It was decided by a vote of hands in favour to only make 1 copy available in the effort to minimise paper waste. This copy is available for viewing on the front table prior to the meeting.

Acceptance of Minutes – Correct and accurate record of meeting 

Moved – 1st by Doug Cowie. 2nd by Sam Trabant.
Outcome – Minutes accepted and carried.


  1. Business Arising from Previous Minutes


  1. Members agreed to have a Technical Q&A segment added to meetings which have now been included below.

    Phil explained the benefits of allowing a segment in the meeting for members to get up and ask a question. It could be anything members may need help with, Technical, Mechanical, Assistance or Advice. The purpose, we can all pool our knowledge to help each other out and to learn from each other.
    To enable a quick meeting – A quick short Q&As with further follow-up after the meetings is advisable.

  2. David ( Treasurer ) was asked about the AWMEC Insurance Policy and what it covers and the costs.
    David gave a great rundown of the ins and outs and better yet, has made the Policy Cover available for further reading on the Website.
    ( Please see website at
    https://www.awmec.com.au/2022_05_26_insurance/ )
    Key highlights mentioned;-
    Rides, Rallies, BBQs, Static Displays, Swap Meets, Staff and Volunteers etc etc.
    Races and events that require Permits. Driving to and from.
    $20,000,000. Liability, $1,000,000 indemnity cover for a vehicle or $5,000,000 joint claim.

    Paul Bullock also asked about the Premium and if there is a concern with Membership Ratio v’s premium (i.e. used to be a 200 member cap on current premium).
    David explained that there is no Cap on Premium for member numbers. The only sliding scale ratio is in relation to the number of events the club may hold. From 200 events or more.
    Agreed the club would not reach 200 or more events in 1 calendar year. 


  1. Correspondence (In and Out) Clinton Van de Stadt, Secretary

Correspondence In:

Photos from Peter Fagan – National Motoring Heritage Day. – Photos sent to all members 

CAV – Consumer affairs Victoria –  I have registered as the new secretary and all paperwork and payments have been made.

Correspondence out: 



  1. Membership Officer’s Report:  Chris Brosolo, Membership Officer

Started with – 212 members. 

New members tonight – 2 new enthusiasts. 

Members overall – 214 members

Chris explained that membership badges are available for collection.
Chris also requires any member needing a badge to let him know, as he is close to ordering more soon.

Membership Enquiries for this month was big with 22 emails. Look out as there could be a few new members signing up soon.


  1. New member introductions: Chris Brosolo, Membership Officer

    We welcome; –

    a) John Kontista ( #308 ) from Wagga Wagga. John was enlisted by Michael S.
    John enjoys riding on his BMW 1200GS with his wife Sharon, who often pillions. Looking forward to more meetings with great conversations.

b) Wayne Eames ( #309 ) from Wodonga. Wayne will be a great resource for motorbike information and advice as he has been riding since a young boy. Many hours were spent riding over the barren hills of Wodonga, right on top of the GAA Clubhouse before it was built. Wayne has an impressive garage of motorbikes which also includes a Vincent and his all-time favourite Red Laverda. Be sure to make time to have a chat with Wayne at the next meeting.

  1. Treasurer’s Report: David Lutton, Treasurer

Opening Balance     $ 24,697.12     Closing Balance $24,175.23               

Income; –
Raffle $225.60
Memberships $160.00
Total Income $385.60

Expenditure details; –
PO Box Renewal $144.80
Norton Renewal $  99.99
Domain Renewal $463.50

Lake Ent Ride Backup Veh $200.00

Total Expenses $907.49

NOTE Income & expenditure Spreadsheet available on request


  1. Editor/Web Manager’s Report: Michael Sarroff, Web Manager/Editor

Web Report for May

This month of May has shown a small decrease in unique visitors. Down by 27%.

I can understand this as we head on into winter weather, plus this month was also the election. Glad that is now out of the way.

A reminder to members that you are welcome to display your business and services on the website in the Members Business directory. 

It is very simple for me to add – Just give me a business card.

Total Unique Visitors


Top viewing days



Devices viewing from

Desktop 47.2%

Mobile 47.2%

Tablet 5.6%

Top Keyword Searches


Albury Wodonga motorcycle club

Historic Winton

Vintage Motorcycles clubs

Most Popular Pages



News and Updates

For Sale

Most recent additions

The Myth of Vincent Motorcycles – Black Lightning

National Motoring Heritage Day Photos from the day.

Steve Short Funeral Service

Stewie asked the question “What is a Unique Visitor”.
Michael S.’s explanation is a Unique Visitor is a single person who visits the website during the calendar month. If this visitor revisits the website from the same device (computer/mobile) this is only counted as the one visit and not additional visits, this is identified via Cookies. This is only 1 of many metrics to indicate website traffic. It is the best way to evaluate any trending data on website usage.

Doug Cowey asked “What is a Cookie”
Michael S. explained that Cookies are small pieces of information websites store on your computer. Cookies only contain bits of text, not anything else. The text can be a user ID, session ID, or any other text. This is how metrics can be recorded.


  1. Welfare Officer’s Report: Michael Yerbury, Welfare Officer

    a) Mike was an apology for Steve Shorts Funeral Service due to ISO with COVID. However, a special thank you to his wife whom Lived Streamed the service for him, Phil will report more about the service later

b) Graeme Male is currently in Melbourne Hospital due to some Heart trouble and requires a By-Pass and Pacemaker to be installed. Feeling quite under the weather at present but happy to have his wife Evelyn there to keep him company.

c) Mike brought up the awareness of Skin Cancer and the importance of regular check-ups as they are your best form of defence when it comes to melanomas and other conditions. 17th most common cancer in the world, 13th in Men, 15th in Women. 150,000 new cases in 2020. Australia and New Zealand are the highest per capita in the World. So be sure to have someone help check you over like under your feet, between toes and all over.
Skin Centres can be booked out well a year in advance. A very serious problem that sometimes we just don’t realise.


  1. Ride & Rally Report: Stewie Mclean, Ride Committee Chair

    Neil Hillas report;-

Phil mentioned that Neil Hillas is an apology for tonight but wanted to pass on his Rally Chair report to say that things are well in order with planning. Quotes for Food and Accommodation will be in soon. The First Rally meeting is this Thursday 26th May. The Rally event is planned for the 1st and 2nd of October.

Stewie starts his report;-

a) Sunday was the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride. Nice sunny day. Little confusion with the route of the ride. But caught up with the riders halfway. 9 Riders from the Club with 5 Club Plates and about 35 Bikes all together. However, 1 American bike did not make it there and no! it was not a Harley!

b) The new ride calendar will be emailed this week. (4 months)

c) A reminder that now the rides start at 10 am during the cold weather.

d) Roger the Dodger, has put his hand up for some rides. 1 will be to the Bundalong workshop/museum where we will show you how to repair an Indian so that it won’t break down.

e) Mike Y, plans a BBQ at Yarrawonga on a Cruise.

Acceptance of Reports – Correct and accurate record of reports
Moved – 1st by Sam Trabant. 2nd by Mark Lennon.
Outcome – Reports accepted and carried.


  1. General Business

Steve Short Funeral Service

Phil explained about Steve Shorts Funeral Service. Steve passed away approx the week before. Steve did not want it known but he had struggled with cancer. It was a shock to most members of his sudden passing as Steve was stoic and very brave faced.

(Phil apologised for the email communications as there has/is a small problem where some emails are missing content and or double up of emails. Apologies if this happens in the future as well. Work in progress. An important part of this communication was some requests made for the funeral service. Attendance, Motorbike progression and some contributed funds for the family.)

Steve was a New Zealander and the majority of his family is abroad. Live Streaming to NZ. Nice attendance of members approx 20 members and 15 bikes all of whom attended Steve’s wake at the Thurgoona Golf Club where the catering was on offer.

Phil had the honour of saying some words for Steve. Steve was a very active member whom held the President position and the all-important Membership position for a period of time. Steve was never shy to jump in and help out and was a much well-respected member to all members.

The committee was required to make a quick decision to authorize a donation of $350 towards the food costs. With the insight to put forth to members at the next available opportunity – Subject to approval, some committee members were willing to pay from their own pockets if not approved by members.

The AWMEC Policy is to always put to members any donations. Phil now asks members to raise their hands in favour of the expense or against it.

Endorsement of Club contribution of $350 towards food at Steve Shorts Funeral on May 11th

Proposal of expense;-
Motion – For or against.

Outcome – All in favour. 

Phil finalises that it is a sad loss of Steve Short. A special thank you to Mike Y and to Stewie for the assistance and support in helping with the arrangements.


Revised Meal Voucher program. 

Michael Sarroff;-

Back at the RSL, the RSL had put us in a tricky & difficult position where we had to

stimulate the sales of meals.

The committee had many discussions over what could be done with the conclusion option.

Ultimately, we felt the best approach was to encourage members to purchase meals and to also hand out some meal tickets to our members. (The committee approved – Meal Ticket Stimulus Plan available to view on request)

Seeing as we are now comfortable at the GAAC and the stimulus plan is no longer needed. We still wish to give something back to our members. So we have adapted the Meal Tickets for the new venue at the GAAC.

1) A meal ticket will be up for random handout from the Attendance Book from the night. Any member that has entered their name in the Attendance Book will stand a chance to win a Meal Ticket.

2) A meal ticket will be handed out to any member that presents a display or talk for the evening meeting interests.

3) And at Kelly’s discretion as a Raffle Prize.

Meal Ticket T&Cs apply – to use within the next 3 months.


Doug Cowey;-

Doug expressed concern over a recent robbery in Rutherglen of his precious equipment and gear from his shed. A variety of motorbike frames and gear.

We asked Doug to provide us with a list. Listed on the Vintage Club.

Doug wishes to express to members to consider how they lock up and protect their (treasures) assets as a word of caution.


Stewie raises an inquiry about the club’s Life Membership and that there are members from 

the previous club prior to 2015 who may warrant consideration.

Phil explains to the members that Stewie has previously raised to the management committee the question about Life Membership and the 15 year wait. Phil advised members that the committee has been discussing the policy in regard to Life Membership and other options such as the club establishing a special service award or similar for members who have given outstanding service to the club. The committee has decided at this point to adhere to the current constitution rule re Life Memberships (clause 13 P7) which requires a minimum of 15 years continuous membership of the AWMEC. There will be further discussions at the next committee meeting on this topic and other potential opportunities of greater benefit. – it is a work in progress at present (see Committee Meeting Minutes of 10/5/22).

Stewie expressed to the meeting the great strength Phil has in upholding the clubs’ 

constitution, however, wishes to bring to the forefront within the club’s constitution under 

clause 40 (P15) – Special Resolutions – the opportunity to change a rule in the Clubs constitution if passed by a two thirds majority of members present. To do this the motion being put must be circulated at least 21 days prior to the date of the general meeting at which it will be put.

Stewie has requested that the motion be put that clause 13 of the constitution on Life Membership be amended to allow the committee discretion to override the 15 years continuous membership requirement in exceptional circumstances.

Phil agreed to have this motion put on the agenda as a special resolution to be put to members at the next general meeting for which the 21 days’ notice period can be met. This is expected to be the July meeting.


  1. Club Regalia Kelly Coutts-Smith, Meeting Activities Co.


Kelly explains about the Clubs Regalia. Always entertaining with great enthusiasm. Jokes 

all round.

Hats: $20; Stubbie Holders: $8; Stickers: $1; Sew on Patches: $10; Machine Badges: $20

NOTE: Embroidery Creations at 426 Wilson St, Albury can provide polo shirts bearing the AWMEC logo.

  1. Guest Speaker / Show and tell: Introduced by Kelly Coutts-Smith, Meeting Activities Co-ordinator 

Kelly introduces Roger McGregor.

Roger gives an insightful, safely aware presentation of his experiences participating in a 

StayUpRight Course. The course was in two parts. Theory on day one and practical on day 

two. Roger emphasises the importance of always furthering your road handling skills for 

maximum safety on the road. He and his fellow riders can see from his testimony first-hand 

this importance.

Some key points raised;-

  • Front Brake – Most important for stopping – Take the weight of the bike braking with maximum tyre coverage on the road.
  • Back Brake – Tightens up your Drive Train. Gives stability to the bike.
  • Corning – 100 % vision before Apex and Start wide exit tight.
  • Riding Position – Stay online to give you more options. Own the road and buffer.
  • Practice and Practice Emergency Stops weekly.

Roger would like all members to consider participating in courses to help them improve 

their own safety on the road.

It has been suggested for Roger to look into arrangements for a class for the club.


Members wishing to present a project bike or guest speaker at a club meeting should contact Kelly Coutts-Smith (0458 179 411) to arrange a presentation time. Text is the best way to contact Kelly as she is not always able to take phone calls during the day due to work. Email is also ok – Kelly’s email is kcoutts-smith@hotmail.com


  1. Technical Q&A Segment: 

Phil explains the new segment. This segment is for members to briefly raise technical questions to see if other members may be able to assist. The pooling of members’ knowledge in a welcoming segment for members is an opportunity to ask these questions.

Roger has asked the question;-

The how-to dimple a rim?

Kelly said that Al will probably know & will ask him.

Michael has asked the question;-

What would be the best paint type for touch-ups on Alloy Rims?


Kelly and Dave have suggested the use of Nail Polish as paint. Only use a fine layer and build up 1 layer at a time between drying. Kelly explained that Powder Coating on Alloys can be problematic at best.

Anyone that can help, please chat with Roger or Michael. Even better yet, submit your answer to the Editor to include on the website within the Tips and Technical section. Send your email to editor@awmec.com.au 


  1. Whiteboard: (Sponsored by Flack Engineering)  NOTE whiteboard items are also on the Club website

For Sale: As per the website

  • 2 WA Shift jeans with DuPont Kevlar & Body Armour – Contact Michael Sarroff at editor@awmec.com.au
  • 2002 Yamaha TDM900P Contact – Michelle Sinclair 0427 245 804.
  • Brand New Rear Tyre for Moto Guzzi Roma – Contact Don 0488 373 143.
  • Seat for Moto Guzzi V7. – Contact Don 0488 373 143.
  • 1968 Moto Guzzi V7 (V700) Contact Terry 0408 625 985.
  • Old style Fibreglass Fairing Contact Troy 0401 716 633
  • Nolan Full Face Helmet Contact Elsie 0409 668 731.


Wanted: As per the website.


  • TT350 Yamaha Trail Bike Contact Adrian 0438 281 721
  • Kawasaki GPZ 900 Fuel Tank Contact Geoff 0400 920 278.
  • 1972 Honda K2 750 Exhaust Original Contact Peter Coulston 0418 424 895.

Any member wishing to post an item can simply send an email to the Editor containing some details;

An example of information to email would be;-


Item name :

Description : 

Measurements : 

Condition :

Value :

How to make contact :

Photos :


NOTE – White Board items will be removed after three months unless the advertiser advises the Club Secretary or Web Manager that they would like the add continued for another month (then renewed on a month to month basis).


  1. Raffle Draw:

Raised $112            gross

Tonight’s Raffle Prize winners;-

1st – Red 63 – Peter Young – Chocolates and Spanners

2nd – Blue 54 – Wayne Penny – Wine and Stubbie Holder

3rd – Red 34 – Greg Parish – 


Meal Ticket Attendance Winner;-

The random winner from 1 to 32 = 14, was Doug Cowey.

As previously discussed were the all-new meal ticket incentives. 


  1. Meeting Close and Next Meeting

Closed 9.10pm          

Next Meeting: 28 June 2022, General Meeting 7.30 pm, venue: GAA meals from 5.30