2022-08-30 Minutes of General Meeting


Incorporated 2015 (Vic) Cert No. A0091002P          ABN 36 359 421 929 

PO Box 1400, Albury NSW 2640       www.AWMEC.com.au 

General Meeting – Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club (Inc) Minutes of meeting  

Date: 30 August 2022 Time: 7.30 pm (meals available from 5.30pm) 

NOTE: this meeting was originally scheduled for 23 August but has been rescheduled due to mix up with dates at the venue. 

Venue: German Austrian Australian Club, 5 McFarland Road, Wodonga 

  1. Welcome & Attendees (as per attendance book) — 46 members and 1 Visitor  

Phil welcomed and opened meeting at 7.30pm. Apologies for last week – although we did have an  enjoyable get together and meal at ‘The Stump’ Hotel. 

Thanks for turning up again apologies for those that travelled from far distances, however Lee and  Phil have checked all the dates for the next meetings, to ensure this does not happen again. 

Please ensure names are in attendance book. New members joining tonight please put name in  members column. 

  1. Apologies

Mike Yerbury, Adam Greenwood, Russell Cole, Troy Shipard, Greg Parish, Ross Reilly, John and  Sharon Kontista, Tony Ryan, Chris Jones, Len McCallum, Ben Humphries, Kelly Coutts-Smith,  John Bullock, Dave and Ann Merbach, John Kirkby, Matthew Goodwin, Roger McGregor, Evelyn  Male, Neil Hillas. 

  1. Previous Minutes – Minutes of General Meeting July 26th as circulated. Moved: Bruce Phemister, Seconded: Stewie McLean. All in favour – Accepted. 
  2. Business Arising from Previous Minutes
  3. NSWHMA follow up & meeting – report 

This Meeting was attended By Phil Stuckey, Michael Sarroff and Paul Bullock. Herewith Report from Phil – QUOTE 

AWMEC summary of NSWHMA meeting, Jindera 31/7/22 

Attended by Paul Bullock, Michael Sarroff & Phil Stuckey 

NOTE this organization and these notes apply to NSW schemes only and do not apply to Victorian CPS.

NSW Historic Motoring Association (NSWHMA) 

  • Is a NSW peak body reprinting clubs registered for HVS & CVS schemes & along with three other similar associations in NSW, have direct links into the RMS, Transport Minister & other bodies involved with rules  & regulations for the above schemes. 
  • NSWHMA is currently representing over 730 NSW Clubs with a membership of over 21,000 people. The majority of interestsrepresent approx 60,000 Historic vehicles and approx 5000 Classics. From Cars to  Trucks, Motorbikes and also Tractors. 
  • Main functions seem to be; 
  • keeping member clubs in 

o lobbying on behalf of member clubs directly to government & the bureaucracy. 

o formed of the current rules, regulations & more importantly any likely changes. 

o providing current & updated documents. The NSWHMA website keeps many of these up-to date documents available to members. 

o advocating on behalf of member clubs including legal representation in relation to HVS & CVS  matters (i.e., representing a local club who had a driver charged with driving a plated vehicle & not being a club member & representation if any member is challenged riding their plated motorbike to and from a club ride outside of point A to B) 

o are an authorized body for certifying CVS registrations (not currently applicable to AWMEC) o Able to provide Mechanical Engineering advice phone support. 

  • AWMEC should very much consider joining. Items  

covered in the meeting  

  • NSW rules & regulations covering HVS & CVS are fairly muddy & in a state of flux, not many things are set  in concrete & this is further complicated by several different bodies involved within the regulatory authorities having different focuses & different interpretations of the rules & regs resulting in  people/clubs getting different answers to the same question depending on which section of RMS etc.  that you ask. 
  • NSWHMA is working diligently on a framework to best represent all the members interests. This framework has an impressive communication structure to all relevant parties across the spectrum. There  are 6 main bodies mixed of Historic and Classic. The framework is to represent the members interests to the best of its’ ability with direct communication to the Minister of Transport and the Policy maker within  the RHM (Transport of NSW). 
  • In addition to the above, NSW police may have their own interpretation of the rules which also adds to  the confusion & risk of being charged for something which is not actually an offence (i.e. non club  member driving plated vehicle) 
  • The importance of the current forms available to view. Most importantly the VSI 6 and VSI 59. Visit  NSWHMA web site at www.historicmotoring.com.au
  • Specific items to arise; 

o Non club members can drive/ride plated vehicles provided they are correctly licensed 

o Logbook only needs to be completed once for each day used & it doesn’t matter how many people subsequently drive/ride the vehicle; additional riders don’t need to complete the log  book on that day

o As our club has elected to adopt the logbook system, our members no longer have access to  maintenance & short journeys within 25km radius, these now have to go into the log book 

o Relying on authorized Club rides without using log book is becoming increasingly  contentious/problematic as per, 

police won’t accept anything other than written evidence of club event i.e., copy of club  calendar & won’t accept electronic link via phone etc. 

Explains the importance to carry PAPER VERSIONS, of AWMEC Membership Card, Vehicle  Papers and Club Ride Notice. 

if on a club ride you can only go to & from destination via nominated route, if you make  your own way home you will need to complete logbook 

if attending another club’s event by invite, even if it’s added to our club’s ride calendar,  this won’t be counted as a club ride & logbook will have to be completed 

riding to & from club meetings is not considered club ride & logbook would need to be  completed. 

Relying on Club Ride provisions rather than logbook when riding interstate (in our case,  mostly Victoria) can cause problems as although you are entitled to do so, police in other states may not accept it in which case you will have to prove that you are entitled to ride  without completing the logbook which may be more trouble than its worth. 

o As a result of the above, many clubs are now making it a requirement for their members  that all uses of their vehicles are entered in RMS logbooks & that members no longer rely  on registered club ride use provisions. 

o Although not regulated yet, there is a move towards requiring pink slips for annual renewals (&  blue slips for first reg) rather than club machine examiners signing off on machine safety on  inspection (our examiners would still need to sign that the member is a current financial  member & that the bike complies with the HVS requirements). NSWHMA recommend that clubs go this way to take legal liabilities off examiners & the club who can both be sued for approving a defective vehicle in the case of serious accidents etc. They also believe this will be brought in as  a requirement sooner rather than later. 

o Tires have a maximum allowable life of ten years regardless or the condition of the tire 

o Clubs are responsible for ensuring that members vehicles meet the requirements of the Historic  Vehicle Scheme (in our case) & that any modifications made are within 

the scheme rules & documented on an ongoing basis. Department is increasingly policing this & approaching clubs for records of vehicles in question. Keeping vehicle details & photographic record of  all vehicles is recommended & ensure members notify of any modifications when made. Clubs have to police this & have the right & responsibility to take the club plate from any member who is not meeting  the requirements of the scheme & advise RMS accordingly. 

  • Quite a bit of the meeting was spent on the Classic Vehicle Scheme (CVS) which covers modified classes  of vehicles (rather than historic, as originally built as in HVS). We don’t currently access CVS which  would generally be more applicable to cars etc but could do through NSWHMV if we so chose (but seems to be pretty complex area with lots of shades of grey). 

We strongly encourage AWMEC to join as a member. The fees and very justifiable. The wealth of up-to date information available to us, the on-going support and the networking potential makes it all  worthwhile. It would also be worthwhile for the Clubs representative & possibly NSW machine examiners  to attend NSWHMA meetings & events. Visit their web site at www.historicmotoring.com.au “ UNQUOTE.

Discussion from this Report  

Question from Stewie _ If a club meeting is on the ride calendar – (is this acceptable) 

Paul Bullock Responded – your journey to the starting point of the ride and if you return on another route – this is a  contentious matter. 

Phil’s comments from the NSWHMA meeting: 

There is pressure from the police to bring in Pink Slips for annual renewals, as well as blue slips for First registrations  Our examiners will still have to sign that the member is a current financial member of the club.  

This is not a legal requirement at the moment but there is pressure being placed from the department’s that this  could become a legal requirement.  

The legal implication is that, if there is a significant accident and the vehicle was deemed unsafe – the club and  examiner may be held liable.  

If the vehicles were signed off by a recognised accredited mechanic – this takes the responsibility out of the club’s  hands.  

They are advising clubs to consider this, and as a club, this, must be something to discuss further.  Maximum life of tyres – NSW – 10 Years Maximum. VIC – No Limit. 

Clubs are responsible for ensuring that the vehicles meet the requirements of the Historic Vehicles Scheme. Any  modification made – meet with scheme rules, and any changes are documented on an ongoing basis, the  department is increasingly policing this and approaching clubs for records of vehicles in question. Keeping vehicle  details and photographic records of all vehicles is recommended – (this is the what the clubs aims to do ) and ensure  members notify the club of all modifications when made. Clubs must police this and have the right and  responsibility to take away the club plate from any member that does not meet the requirements of the scheme  

The fees for the NSWHMA. – $60 joining fee – and $40 dollars a year 

This is well worth joining. Paul Bullock our Liaison officer will be our club representative. 

This will be proposed at a committee meeting to Join this organisation.  

Comments from Paul Bullock: 

There was a lot of comment about people wanting to extend the logbook days, which they are not happy to do – as  the logbook system was not set up to be a daily drive. We have 60 days in NSW – this allows a ride every weekend  and the odd occasion to test ride. You don’t have to put your name in the book all they want to see is that the day is  used. – For usage on a daily basis and if we behave ourselves, I do not see too much changing. As the liaison officer  for NSW, I see this organisation as a wealth of knowledge and support , as it would be good to ring somebody for  information and if they don’t know they will find out for you . When you ring RMS it is not the greatest of help. 

Michael Sarroff: was in total agreement with Paul and his comments and for us to join the organisation. 

Phil: NSW system is different to VIC. It is quite disjointed, several sections within the NSW department that deal with  aspects of these schemes and depending on which section you ask – you get a different answer to them same  question. And the bodies that have a stake in this IE the Police – will have a different interpretation of the rules. VIC is  more centralised and organised and you can get a direct answer to a question.

Phil asked if there were any questions on this  

  1. Donation proposals to go to committee 

Please pass on any ideas/ suggestion for club donations, to the committee. 

  1. Correspondence (In and Out) Clinton Van de Stadt, Secretary 

Cootamundra Antique Motor Club Rally – “100 Ton Run” – 19th November 2022- Eligible bikes  must be Manufactured pre-31 Dec 1955. – Entries close 29 October 22 

The Corryong Historic Machinery Club Inc – Newsletter 

“Historic Vehicles “newsletter – August 2022. 

Email from Glen Weltner – Sold his bikes- reported to Chris Brosolo – to remove Bikes from the  register  

Peter Fagan – Rogers Tyres (Roger has been sorted out) 

Email -from Consumer Affairs accepting our changes to constitution (This Required a payment for  the changes – $191.10) Phil noted more changes to the constitution need to be made and this  will incur further costs  

Tarcutta Classic Vehicle Club – Inaugural Tiddler Run – 22 October 2022. 

Motor Cycles to be: under 250cc, be at least 30 years old , have historic or full Registration or  have RMS permit- Entries to be in by the – 15/10/22. Contact Dave Edgar 0480 231 223 email:  rotoreggie@bigpond.com 

  1. Membership Officer’s Report: Chris Brosolo, Membership Officer 

Currently 216 members, 1 new member: Peter Dwyer. 

  1. New member introductions:

Peter Dwyer, Peter moved to Wodonga from Hay. He has 1980- 900 SS Ducati. Welcome Peter!  

  1. Treasurer’s Report: David Lutton, Treasurer 

Opening Balance $24 545.14  

Income: $155.00 Raffle (July) 

 $80.00 Memberships 

Total: $235.00 

Expenses: $79.92 Closing balance: $ 27,700.92  

NOTE Income & expenditure Spread sheet available on request

Rally Account:  

Opening balance: 3,359.16  

Income (Entries + Int) $ 665.17 

Expenses: Rally Badges. $75.00 

 Trophy engraving. $66.50 

 Safety Vests etc. $98.20 

 Stubby Holders. $439.09 

Closing Balance. $3,145.54  

 Editor/Web Manager’s Report: Michael Sarroff, Web Manager/Editor Feature Bike in Report – Ducati 916 

Website Additions and Improvements 

The website is doing well with a big clean-up within the For Sale and The Wanted sections. As per  the club’s policy, we do a clean-up of posts after the expiry date of 3 months. – Unless instructed  by the member posting to do otherwise with the content. 

Total Unique Visitors 

  • 136 

Top viewing days 

  • Monday 
  • Sunday 

Devices viewing from 

  • Desktop 33 % 
  • Mobile 62 % 
  • Tablet 5 % 

Top Keyword Searches 

  • AWMEC 
  • Albury Wodonga motorcycle club 
  • Proof of vehicle ownership vic 
  • Ride around Australia 

Most Popular Pages 

  • Butterball Rally 2022 – AWMEC 
  • Rides 
  • Meeting 
  • Minutes

Most recent additions 

  • Ride 1,600km in a day with Ben the Harley Guy! 
  • Royal Enfield Global Ride Event 
  • Club BBQ at Hammond’s 
  • Top 7 NEW Motorcycles Under $5000 for 2022 
  1. Welfare Officer’s Report: Michael Yerbury, Welfare Officer 

No report – Mike Yerbury – sick 

10.Ride & Rally Report: Stewie Mclean, Ride Committee Chair and others 

Stewie: Wednesday Ride to Culcairn 10/8/22 — Seven Bikes, clear day but still wearing winter  gloves. Nice ride through Jindera, Gerogery and Old Coach Rd to Culcairn. Canola flowers just  emerging. Good to see Tony on first ride back after breaking his wrist. Many tales and mirth about  wet weather riding and speed cameras over coffee and nibblies. 

Sunday Ride – 21/8/22. 

Five out of nine bikes club plated for foggy start to a sunny day. Good to see. Lovely coffee, fire  and chat at McGregors. Plans were thwarted by flood road closure near Coolamon. But some new  back roads were discovered. We returned to Culcairn Pub for lunch, fortunately Graeme brought  the back-up trailer for an ailing Indian.  

Please add names for the Hammonds BBQ. To the list  

Add your ride calendar to your Logbook – just in case needed due to new rules etc. Mark Clifford reported – Butterball rally  

Please check your email addresses as some emails are bouncing back.  

Entry Forms are needed for catering purposes etc. 

1 Room still available at Corryong Hotel Motel. (Triple Room). 

Corner Marshalls still needed. 

Have received a few more prizes for the raffle on the Butter Ball Rally. 

Peter Leddin: 

Peter went up to swap meet at Bullioh on the weekend. Good selection of Bikes for sale and on  show. A lot of range stuff for sale and the Auction of Parts. Swap meet did not go so well due to  the drizzly rain. Please note: 17 /18 Sept- Corryong Historical Machinery Show – Bikes Cars etc. 

Acceptance of Reports: Proposed by: Paul Bullock, Seconded : Graeme Male. All in favour: Carried.

11.General Business 

Doug Flack – requested to have a ride for older bikes or smaller bikes. 

Stewie Responded: We have had older bike runs 1 or twice a year, there has not been any show  for these. 

Club plated bikes are not considered older bikes anymore. 

Paul Bullock asked about the Tiddler ride as a possibility. – (under 250 CC at lease 30Years Old) 

From earlier discussion – Question about tyres having a date stamp – Phil’s comment about 10 to  15 years ago they did start putting them on – you need to know where to look  

12.Club Regalia 

Hats: $20; Stubbie Holders: $8; Stickers: $1; Sew on Patches: $10; Machine Badges: $20 NOTE: Embroidery Creations at 426 Wilson St, Albury can provide polo shirts bearing the AWMEC logo. 

Kelly will have new stock next month meeting. 

13.Guest Speaker / Show and tell: Introduced by Kelly Coutts-Smith, Meeting Activities Co ordinator 

NO Guest speaker Tonight  

Members wishing to present a project bike or guest speaker at a club meeting should contact Kelly Coutts-Smith (0458  179 411) to arrange a presentation time. Text is the best way to contact Kelly as she is not always able to take phone  calls during the day due to work. Email is also ok – Kelly’s email is kcoutts-smith@hotmail.com 

14.Technical Q&A Segment: This segment is for members to briefly raise technical questions to see if other members may be able to assist. 

Michael Sarroff : Show and Tell – Bike trouble – Drive Belt snapped at 16000 kms ! 

15.Whiteboard: NOTE whiteboard items are also on the Club website 

Read out by clint – secretary while Michel presented on the TV Screen  

4 Items for sale  

2WA Shift Jeans With Dupont Kevlar and Body Armour, Excellent Condition – brand new, Size: Men’s Waist – 36 inch, $ 189.00 Or make an Offer. Contact Michael – the editor  

Kawasaki Frame 4/83: Best Offer Contact Ray 0420412197 or Bruce 0418604181Value  

2005 Harley Davidson Softail Deluxe Black – with New Tyres and Wheel bearings Contact – Greg – 0419485253. – Value $18,000.  

2008 Harley FLHR (Carby) Contact Lincoln at Fast Fuel. Value – $10 990. 

Michael Sarroff had a variety of clothing for sale. 

4 Items total to purchase  

1972 Honda K2 750 Exhaust Original, Good Condition, Price: ??. Contact Peter Coulston mob:  0418 424 895  

Vintage Friction Steering damper. To suit 1920’s Flat tank Motorcycle, Needed for 1927, AJS 350  Bigport Restoration. Any condition considered, value ??, 

Contact Peter – mob 0421 140 547.  

Standard handlebars Postie Bike – Contact: Stewie. – Remove from web site  19” Motorbike Tyres (in any condition)- Contact: Roger. – Roger has been sorted out 

16.Raffle Draw:  

Not recorded  

Prize winners: 1st Draw – Bruce Phemister, 2nd Draw: Chris van den Berg, 3rd Draw: Kevin  Hammond 

17.Lucky Door Prize – donated by Lee Botting & GAAC.  

Winner Graeme Male  

18.Meeting Close and Next Meeting 

Closed: 8.35pm  

Next Meeting: 27 September 2022, General Meeting 7.30 pm, venue: GAAC, meals  available from 5.30