2022-10-25 Minutes of General Meeting

2022-10-25 Minutes of General Meeting

General Meeting – Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club (Inc)

Minutes of Meeting 

Date: 25 October 2022 Time: 7.30 pm (meals available from 5.30pm)

Venue : German Austrian Australian Club, 5 McFarland Road, Wodonga

  1. Welcome & Attendees (as per attendance book)


Phil opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.

Reminding everyone – Membership Fees Now DUE.

  1. Apologies

Kevin Star, Greg Parish, Mark Sice, Sam Trabant, Peter Mayne, Chris Brosolo, David Lutton,  Stewie McLean, Roger McGregor, Paul Hare, Paul Lefoe, Neil Hillas, Doug Cowie,  Kevin Hammond.



  • Previous Minutes

Minutes of General Meeting September 27th – as circulated

Minutes of General meeting September 27th (as circulated)

Moved : Paul Bullock.          Seconded :   Peter Leddin

All in Favour:   CARRIED


  • Business Arising from Previous Minutes
    1. Clarification on NSW RMS re riding to club meeting if a Club ride & what is Club ride not requiring log book 

Addressed by Paul Bullock – NSW Rides – There is a start point and back to the start point to end ride.

Paul will ask the NSWH association to clarify this question.

We will be members by next meeting. Paul can then source all the information needed. 

  1. Clarification of Clubs donation policy & proposals to date

‘AWMEC Club will generally set aside a maximum of $2000.00 per annum for the purpose of making charitable donations at its discretionally with the bounds proven financial management. The management committee may recommend donating a larger amount in a given year in the event of exceptional circumstances. The source of the funds used for donations will generally be net profit derived from:

AWMEC events and fund-raising activities and however the committee may nominate to use funds from the club’s consolidated revenue if financially proven and supported by members.

Members, Organisations or individuals may approach the management committee seeking a donation or nominating a donation recipient. Any donation request should be supported by a written proposal, providing a brief background of the recipient, the purpose of which the donation will be used and why this donation is necessary and the amount that is requested. (Or approximate amount). 

The management committee will assess each request on its merit. The decision to accept or decline the request and the amount to be donated will be at the discretion of the management committee, should the management decide that the donation is appropriate, a recommendation will be put to a vote of AWMEC members normally at a general meeting.    

In Short – A brief written request for funds -Outlining what it is for – to management committee. If the management committee thinks it’s worthwhile will bring it to a general meeting for you the members to vote on.

  1. Proposals for club to purchase bike trailer & first aid equipment


5.Correspondence (In and Out) Clinton Van de Stadt, Secretary

  1. Historic vehicles Newsletter. (Monthly Newsletter)
  2. Corryong Historic Machinery Club Newsletter.
  3. Longford Grand Prix Expo 11/12 March 2023 in Tasmania.
  4. Hunter Warbirds Aviation Centre – Hunter Valley.
  5. Invoice from Corryong Hotel Motel Meals for Butter Ball sent to David Lutton.
  6. Insurance for Club – Marsh Sport (David Paid)
  7. Coffs City Rotary Club – The Coffs Coast Festival of Motor Sport – 4 Nov 2022. (Car Show).
  8. Email from Rebecca Combridge – a 1952 Triumph Side Car for Sale.


6.Membership Officer’s Report:  Chris Brosolo, Membership Officer- Chris Off sick 

Currently   218

new members tonight – Stephen McDonell joined at the end of the meeting

members overall – 2019

REMINDER: Membership fees now due $40 are due 31/12/22.


  1. New member introductions:       As Stephen joined at the end of the meeting he will be introduced at next meeting.


  1. Treasurer’s Report: David Lutton, Treasurer


End September 2022. Opening Balance: $ 24 109.45 – Closing Balance:  $ 24 524.95 – Income  $ 415.50 

Rally Account: $ 2955.19

       NOTE Income & expenditure Spread sheet available on request


  1. Editor/Web Manager’s Report: Michael Sarroff, Web Manager/Editor


The website is doing well with a big cleanup within the For Sale and The Wanted sections.

There is currently only 1 real legit listing and for kicks, 1 funny listing at present.


So please take advantage and send in your items For Sale or Wanted. 


I have updated the Membership Renewal Page as it is that time of the year again, when memberships are now due.


The page explains how to renew your membership.



This month the website has experienced the most amount of Unique Visits to the website with 209 people for October.


10.Welfare Officer’s Report: Michael Yerbury, Welfare Officer 

Nothing to report 

11.Ride & Rally Report: Stewie Mclean, Ride Committee Chair and others

Stewie Maclean absent –  Phil reported: Phil – Butter Ball Rally, a great event! little bit of rain that did not affect us too much.  Well organised, enjoyed by everyone. 

Thanks, and congratulations to the Rally committee for all their work.

AS Stewie was sick  sent the Secretary the report to place in the minutes for all to read Please see attachments 

Mark Clifford – Read report from Neil Hillas – he welcomes any feedback regarding the Rally, suggestions for improvement for next year. 

Ideas of where to go or do. Please contact Mark or any of the Rally Committee. 

Please settle any outstanding money for fuel etc. Any reimbursements to be sent to Treasurer. – Please supply receipts.  

Thank you to all the local businesses who donated the prizes towards the Raffle and the Trivia Night.

Black locks Motorcycles- Aiden (Manager) $250 T Shirts and Hats

Top Tune Motorcycles

Fast Fuel Motorcycles – (Lincoln) $100 Voucher

White House Motorcycles

Harts Quality Meats

Buzz’s Bikes and Bits

Corryong Hotel Motel


Eskdale Motel – Raffle Prizes


Aiden from Blacklock’s Motorcycles would like to offer a free BBQ, if we organise a ride starting from his shop. 

Mike Yerbury – Ride to Mulwala and Boat Trip.

This ride was not able to go ahead previously due to Covid.

Disappointing as there were only 3 couples, ending in 12 people all up.

Unfortunately, high winds on the lake caused the boat to break from its mooring. (A hole in one side of the boat. ) Therefore, the event was cancelled.

Mike was enquiring as to whether the event was too expensive or that no one was able to make that date.

Upcoming Ride – Thoona Hotel 30/10/22 Rutherglen Coffee and the Warby Ranges.

Jindabyne Ride – 12-13 November – Jindabyne Hotel.

Acceptance of ReportsMoved:  Graeme Male                Seconded : Kelly-Coutts Smith

All in Favour.            CARRIED.


General Business

  • SPECIAL RESOLUTION – as circulated to update the Appendix of our constitution which forms our NSW branch with RMS HCRS requirements.


At the time of forming the AWMEC in 2015, as we incorporated in Victoria, the NSW RMS required that we have a section in our Constitution formally forming a NSW branch of the Club in which we outlined the rules for operating under the NSW HCRS scheme. To meet RMS requirements, we added Appendix 1 to our constitution. 


As RMS have subsequently changed a number of the rules relating to the HCRS (particularly with the introduction of the log book system and its flow on effects), our Appendix 1 is out of date & incorrect and as a result we have to update Appendix 1 (& constitution) and our club rules to also reflect these changes. 


In an attempt to lessen the need to change Appendix 1 in future, the proposed changes relating to RMS rules have been kept as general as possible & refer to our club rules (which can be easily updated) with current RMS rules and operating requirements. Although some sections of Appendix 1 remain current, most of Appendix 1 has been updated and is proposed as a complete document.



The Committee proposes that the current Appendix 1 in the Clubs Constitution be removed and replaced by a new Appendix 1 as follows:


APPENDIX 1 (Rule 2. c. ii) – Amended 25-10-2022




  1. To be eligible, the applicant must be a current financial member of the Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club Inc. The motorcycle must be at least 30 years of age from the year & month of manufacture or as alternatively determined by NSW RMS. The onus of proof of age shall rest with the applicant. The final arbiter shall be the clubs’ committee.
  2. Vehicles permitted under the HCRS must be as close to original condition as is practical. Safety related modifications and period options and accessories may be added.
  3. All members applying for HCRS permit through the AWMEC confirm that they have read the Clubs rules and fully understand their responsibilities and agree to abide by these Rules. This is the basis on which permit documentation under the HCRS will be issued by the Club.


Historic vehicles can only be used in accordance with the NSW Roads and Maritime Services rules applicable at the time of use and within the AWMEC rules & policies (refer to the RMS web site and Club rules for current conditions of use). 


  1. All general enquiries relating to the HCRS must be directed to the Clubs Permits Officer. Individual approaches to the Roads and Maritime other than those relating to a member’s specific permit requirements, are not permitted.
  2. Historic number plates are issued to a member of the club and are not transferable either to another vehicle or person in the event of the vehicle being sold.
  3. Plates must be immediately returned to Roads & Maritime Services;
    1. In the event of the sale of the vehicle for which the plates are issued,
    2. Upon the member’s resignation from the club,
    3. Upon the member’s failure to remain a financial member within the meaning of the Constitution of the club or on failure to pay any levy that may be constitutionally, approved by a duly constituted Club meeting,
    4. At the directive of a Club Committee decision,
    5. If the Club Machine Examiner considers the vehicle has become unsafe or altered after it has been inspected.

Members access to the HCRS is granted on the condition that the Clubs rules and participation requirements applicable at the time, are met. The Committee retains the right to refuse authorisation for a permit or permit renewal if the Clubs rules are not complied with or if the vehicle does not meet the RMS and Clubs requirements.


Annual vehicle inspection must comply with applicable Roads and Maritime Services requirements.    

  1. All vehicles must undergo an annual inspection as determined by RMS & the Club,
  2. Official persons will be designated as Club Machine Examiners by the Club. Club examiners are authorised to complete documentation on behalf of the Club for new permit applications and renewals,
  3. The clubs Machine Examiners may certify a vehicles roadworthiness or alternatively, the Club or RMS may require that members obtain a safety check (pink slip) from an authorised inspection station,
  4. Members must be current financial members at the time of applying for a club permit or permit renewal,
  5. Chassis and engine numbers will form part of the identification of an Historic vehicle. Any change must be notified in writing to RMS and the Club’s Permits Officer. The Club requires three photos (both sides & rear) of the vehicle on first registration and if any modifications are subsequently made to the vehicle.


The registration fee payable to the RMS also covers CTP insurance issued under the Motor Accident Compensation Act. Members should note the following concerning CTP insurance:

  1. CTP insurance only provides cover for personal injury claims against the owner/rider by other road users, as a result of an accident. It does not cover property damage.
  2. CTP insurance only provides cover where the motorcycle is used on public roads or road-related areas (eg footpaths, nature strips, public driveways, public car parks etc), but not private property.

Members are encouraged to take out Third Party Property Insurance as a minimum. It is also recommended that members consider Comprehensive Insurance cover.


Moved: Paul Bullock.        Seconded: Peter Leddin.         All in Favour.   – CARRIED


Club Christmas party to be at the GAA on Sunday December 11th @ 12 MD – 

 — More details will be circulated about this soon.


  • Other items – Quotes from Mark Clifford -Re Club trailer and Defibrillator


Mark Clifford – Mark has quotes for trailers. – New.

 Issues – Rego and Insurance,   storage maintenance etc.

Graeme Male has his trailer which has all the recovery gear, air compressors etc. It has always been available to the club ever since he has been a member of the club. He continues to volunteer his service. He does not see the use of the club purchasing a motorcycle trailer, his trailer is available to any club member who needs to borrow it whether to pick up a bike from Melbourne they have purchased or whatever the need.

THANK YOU, Graeme!

Colin Broster – while Graeme is offering this service – we don’t need to purchase at this moment.

Phil asked for interest in a new trailer being purchased a show of hands was called and none in favour 

Defibrillator for rides etc $1700 – $2500.

Paul Bullock. – (Former Red cross instructor)

Paul offered to instruct members with demo at a meeting.

Phil asked for Interest in the purchase of a Defibrillator a show of hands all in favour. 

Committee to discuss the logistics 

Colin Broster – Broadford Bonanza 2023 has sadly been scrapped. (a great event).

  • NE Car Club Wed 2nd Nov 5.30pm – Tarrawingi – Show us your car, bike or truck. 

                Gold Coin donation with sausage sizzle.

Question from David Barson: A place to find parts on website – Michael to link Dave’s site to assist.

Kelly Coutts-Smith – Will do a ‘How to find parts ‘talk at next meeting. (Nov). 


  • Club Regalia 

Beanie’s and Hats: $20; Stubbie Holders: $10; Stickers: $1; Sew on Patches: $10; Machine Badges: $20

NOTE: Embroidery Creations at 426 Wilson St, Albury can provide polo shirts bearing the AWMEC logo.


  • Guest Speaker / Show and tell: Introduced by Kelly Coutts-Smith, Meeting Activities Co-ordinator 

Guest Speaker tonight – Matthew Goodwin

Matthew brought his Red 1937 Special Rudge Whitworth. Very interesting for us to have a guest speaker, this is our privilege and incentive to attend our meetings!   Thank you, Matthew!


Members wishing to present a project bike or guest speaker at a club meeting should contact Kelly Coutts-Smith (0458 179 411) to arrange a presentation time. Text is the best way to contact Kelly as she is not always able to take phone calls during the day due to work. Email is also ok – Kelly’s email is kcoutts-smith@hotmail.com


  • Technical Q&A Segment: This segment is for members to briefly raise technical questions to see if other members may be able to assist.

David Barson – looking for Yamaha 1997 Verona. 

  • Whiteboard: NOTE whiteboard items are also on the Club website


Item – 2001 Yamaha FZS 1000 For Sale.

Email the editor or click submit button to send information to Michael.

 Tonight, Doug has added a Suzuki 1980 GP 125. Michael will add this to the website.


  • Raffle Draw:

1st prize – 2 Bottles of Wine – John Kirkby

2nd prize – Ratchet Tie Down and Butter Cookies – Bruce Ball

3rd prize – Eskdale Hoodie and Stubbie Holder – Jo Kearney

  • Lucky Door Prize – donated by Lee Botting & GAAC

Terry Mc Cabe


  • Meeting Close and Next Meeting

Meeting closed at 9.05 pm.

Next meeting 22 November 2022. General Meeting 7.30 pm Venue: GAAC

Meals available from 5.30pm.

NOTE this will be the last meeting for 2022 & last opportunity to pay 2023 fees in person.