Incorporated 2015 (Vic) Cert No. A0091002P ABN 36 359 421 929
PO Box 1400, Albury NSW 2640
Minutes of Committee Meeting – Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club (Inc)
Date: Thursday 2 February 2023 Time: 5.30pm (target two-hour time limit)
Venue : Quantum Printing, 49 Catherine Cres Lavington – hosted by Clint & Sandy
Agenda – note, as we have agreed on a target 2 hour time limit for meetings we will need to limit time spent on discussing each item & prioritise dealing with most urgent & then quickest items first
- Attendees & apologies
Phil Stuckey, Michael Sarroff, Paul Bullock, Mike Yerbury, Chris Brosolo, Sandy and Clinton Van De Stadt
Apologies: Kelly Coutts-Smith, David Lutton
- Previous Minutes 8/11/22.
Moved: Paul Bullock. Seconded: Mike Yerbury – ALL In Favour. — CARRIED
- Business arising from previous minutes – we will go through these briefly, any items that require more time will be moved to agenda item 9.
Clarification of general meeting procedures: carried over to next meeting
SMS messaging –review trial. Working very well. 1 more month trial, members to consider the upcoming $15 monthly charge at next meeting if this is to be continued.
New member packs update – Kelly – apologies could not attend
Honouree Badges update – Michael Sarroff has sourced a supplier. Approx. $400 (36 Badges). One common mould and we can change colours each year. Badges for president, secretary, etc. Michel to put to next members meeting.
Club Defibrillator update – Paul Bullock has sourced Defibrillator – Universal Model from SafePak. New ones are a single use and have a shelf life of 12 months, this one is also single use but has a shelf life of 7 years. Paul can demonstrate how to use with a demo/placebo model that is the same as the one to be purchased and run through procedures of basic CPR and use of AED, if we decide to go for it (cost approx. $1695.00). Paul to outline at next members meeting
Bikes & Blues replacement – not able to do this this year. To be rolled over to first half of next year. Consult with Rally Committee to organise or create new committee for this. Bethanga Sports Ground has been raised as a possibility, consult with George Stahl
- Chris Brosolo – suggest for QE2 – square show and shine hosted by Albury City Council (on a Saturday Morning). The Committee agreed that this sounded like a good idea (more detail required) but not a replacement for Bikes & Blues day.
Machine examiners Dinner – Club to pay for examiners and their partners, open invite to all members – to pay for themselves. Venue to be decided. Mike Yerbury to contact examiners to find date that suits all & then organise, aim to happen or organize before the AGM if possible.
Networking with other clubs – Possible new sub- committee or Individual, to clarify what the person must do. Proposal to be made to create this at next members meeting? & add position to AGM agenda sub committees if required.
Members attendance book – Noted that Phil had emailed to three members that had signed the book and left before the meeting had started, these names will not be recorded as an attendance for the evening. Book will be moved to the main table before the commencement of meeting. Late persons can then come and fill in their names.
- Reports/feedback from Office Bearers as required i.e., general update on items of interest or issues with the roles (not normal reports as presented at meetings).
- Secretary — Clinton: No Issues
- Treasurer — David Lutton Absent
- Membership. Chris Brosolo: 87 membership cards to go out and 38 who have not paid. Chris needs some help to get the rest of the cards out and posted, Michael and Chris and Clinton to assist with this, Chris is not sure how it had been done in the past. To create mail merge file from OCC to print all info on the cards as well as the stickers for names and addresses.
- Bike Register & Vic Roads/RMS liaison Paul Bullock – he is updating data base at present
- Web Manager & Editor – Michael Sarroff – Michael is centralising our resources pages and adding information. This will be on the web site and only be accessible to members via a password. Eg. Event organisation documents, club documents. A stockpile of information and pooling of information will be able to be accessed on the website.
- Welfare & Fellowship Officer – Mike Yerbury – No issues
- Meeting Activities Co-ordinator – Kelly – Absent
- Constitution & Rules Officer – Phil Stuckey – No issues
- AGM 2023 – confirmation of details –
The Committee confirmed the AGM date to me held before or after our March general meeting on 28th March 2023 at 7.30 pm and proposes that the annual membership fee & joining fee remain at $40 each. The agreed agenda and positions are proposed as follows (possibly adding networking subcommittee);
MEETING TO BE HELD MARCH 28th 2023 at 7.30pm
VENUE: German Austrian Australian Club – 5 McFarland Road, Wodonga
- ATTENDANCE & APOLOGIES (all financial Club member attendees need to be recorded, only members financial prior to the date of the AGM are eligible to vote or hold Committee positions)
- REPORTS TO MEMBERS for 2022 year activities of AWMEC
- Presidents Report
- Treasurers Report
- Membership Officers Report
- CONFIRMATION OF FEES – The Committee proposes that the Annual Membership Fee remains at $40 and the Joining Fee remains at $40
- COMMITTEE (the current Committee will stand down & positions declared vacant)
Executive Committee
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Membership Officer
Ordinary Members – Additional Office Bearer Committee Positions
- Club Web Manager & Editor
- Bike Register & RMS / Vic Roads Liaison Officer
- Welfare & Fellowship Officer
- Meeting Activities Coordinator
- Club Constitution & Rules Officer
NOTE- Members of the Executive may also be elected to fill one of the above Additional Office Bearer positions in which case that position would be deemed to be filled and not require an additional Committee Member to fill that position for that year.
- NSW Machine examiners (minimum two positions, preferably three)
- Vic Roads Permits Officer (one position as stipulated by Vic Roads) plus one additional examiner
- Ride Committee –
- Chair
- Members (at least 3)
- Rally & Events Committee –
- Chair
- Members (at least 3)
- Fundraising & Regalia Committee –
- Chair
- Members
- Ride Committee –
NOTE – Chris Brosolo left meeting at this point due to another commitment.
- Life Membership.
A Club member has sent the Secretary, Life Membership proposals for consideration by the Committee under Rule 13 of the clubs Constitution which is now possible due to the amendment made to that rule in July last year. Rule 13 states;
13 Life membership (amended 27-7-2022)
A member of the Club who has rendered singular service to the club and has maintained a minimum of 15 consecutive years of membership or if not 15 years, at the discretion of the committee in exceptional circumstances may, by special resolution at an annual general meeting, be bestowed life membership provided that;
- the nomination is in writing, given to the secretary at least 3 months prior to the annual general meeting and;
- the nomination is supported unanimously by the committee.
A life member shall be entitled to all of the privileges and benefits and be subject to the same liabilities and duties of full membership without paying the annual subscription.
As the Committee has not been required to consider Life Memberships proposals previously, it was necessary to firstly to define what “rendering singular service to the club” may mean and what “exceptional circumstances” would be for the Committee to consider recommending Life Membership for a member with less than 15 consecutive years of membership of AWMEC.
In addition to these two key questions, the Committee was also required to consider the relevance of service in other organisations (specifically the Classic & Enthusiasts Motor Cycle Club NSW inc – CEMCC) as this was significant factor for elements of the Life Membership proposal put forward.
Consideration of the relevance of prior service in CEMCC
The Committee noted that the AWMEC was formed in 2015 out of necessity due to the decision made in Sydney by CEMCC Sydney Committee of not being prepared to meet the new requirements of VIC Roads (agreement required to be signed by the Committee executive); therefore, our Victorian Members would not be able to continue their Victorian club plated registrations through CEMCC. With this in mind, Albury Wodonga branch members of the CEMCC had to make a quick decision to form a new club that would allow continued coverage with both RMS in NSW & Vic Roads in Victoria.
Our new club has a new constitution and rules incorporating Victoria, the AWMEC is NOT a continuation or extension of the old club CEMCC although it is acknowledged that the majority of the initial membership of AWMEC were members of the CEMCC (some of whom also maintained their membership of the CEMCC).
As a result, we do not directly recognise membership or service of the previous club CEMCC as continuing on or counting towards service in the AWMEC.
Motion: Proposed by Phil Stuckey. – Seconded by Mike Yerbury – ALL IN FAVOUR CARRIED.
Exceptional Circumstances: (What constitutes exceptional circumstances?)
On considering what may constitute exception circumstances that would warrant awarding of Life Membership to a member with less than 15 years membership, the Committee concluded;
Exceptional circumstances would exist if a member meet the criteria of having rendered singular service to the Club as defined below and has significant recognised underlying health issues which would warrant early granting of the award.
Proposed by Paul Bullock. Seconded. Mike Yerbury — ALL IN FAVOUR – CARRIED
Singular Service to the Club: (What constitutes Singular Service to the club?)
Criteria / Definition
After significant discussion & consideration the Committee concluded that Singular Service to the Club would be met by a nominated member who it was unanimously agreed, met each of the following criteria;
- Has demonstrated devotion to the Club and the ongoing development of the Club over a significant number of years of continuous financial membership.
- Has been actively involved in multiple Club roles (committees or other roles) and Club activities over their period of membership in the Club.
- Has always acted in the best interest of the members and of the Club.
Proposed by Paul Bullock Seconded. Michael Sarroff. ALL IN FAVOUR – CARRIED.
Consideration of the proposals received for Life Membership against the criteria outlined above
Based on the above criteria for consideration for awarding Life Membership, the Committee considered each of the members proposed against the above criteria and concluded that none of them currently met the requirement of having rendered singular service to the AWMEC.
Moved by Michael Sarroff. Seconded. Mike Yerbury. ALL IN FAVOUR & CARRIED
- Club participation requirement enforcement – as at 25/1/23. This has been discussed committee to ensure all rides, meetings and Christmas party participation has been entered in the OCC data base
- Club Person Of The Year to be voted on at February meeting 28/02/23. Winner to be announced at March General Meeting.
- General Business/ Business arising: ran out of time for this item
- Next meeting and meeting close- Meeting closed 7.53PM.
Next Committee meeting To Be Advised