General Meeting – Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club (Inc)
Minutes of Meeting
Date: 2024-01-23 Time: 7.30 pm (meals available from 5.30pm)
Venue : ‘The Venue’ ( old name GAAC ), 5 McFarland Road, Wodonga
1. Welcome & Attendees: 79 Members and 5 Visitors
Michael opened the meeting and welcomed all members and guests, wishing everyone an upcoming Happy Australia Day!
Michael’s News – Back in Australia!
1. The BIMOTO – KB4 and TESI H2 Models- available at Procycles in St. Peters- Sydney
2. Two new protypes for the motor X racing industry – Ducati Desmo 450MX being trial run by 2 champion riders.
3. New courtesy – During our meetings, I ask all members when standing and before addressing members, to state their name. This is to benefit new members, a reminder to forgetful members and to aid our minute taker for record keeping at meetings.
Names to be written in the attendance book. Attendance goes towards your club’s participation requirements, currently at 2 per year.
2. Apologies:
Adam Greenwood, Sharon Kontista, Howard Smith, Evelyn Male, Ashley Male, Peter Dwyer, Wayne Eames, Neil Sedgwick, Greg Parish, Don Stewart, Tony Heaps, Mark Wilson, Rick Del Monte , Craig Wilson.
3. Previous Minutes:
Minutes of the General Meeting dated 2023-11-28 as circulated via email & posted to the website.
Motion – After this report, we ask for the motion of acceptance.
– Moved by Russell Cole – Seconded John Kirkby All in favour. CARRIED
4. Business Arising from Previous Minutes:
A. Michael – Butterball Rally Feedback Form is now completed. Very interesting feedback. This will aid towards creating our next Annual Event.
Due to a New Year Break delay, the Management Committee will present the findings at the February Members Meeting. Be sure to be in attendance if you would like to see and hear these very interesting survey results. Example – 51 responses.
We would like to announce the ‘Save the Date’ for Butterball 2024.
12th and 13th October – Lock this onto the Calendar tonight!
B. Stewie – Club Motorcycle Calendar.
C. Michael – Christmas Party report and thank you goes to – Graeme, Mark and Sandy plus the extras in the wings.
15th December – Lock this onto the Calendar tonight!
D. Michael – AWMEC Annual Club Donation program – ( In General Business )
E. Michael – Ride Participation Awareness aka Stewie – M/C have discussed and have some suggestions. Consultation has begun with Stewie and the Ride Committee. So watch this space!
Motion – No motion required.
5. Correspondence (In and Out):
Clinton Van de Stadt, Secretary
1. Moorabbin Air Museum – Wings and Wheels – 24/25th February 2024
2. Email from Peter Trescowthick – New member tonight.
3. Peter Riley – email regarding more Rides for older bikes.
4. Swan Pool Motor Festival – 10th March.
5. Invitation to “Hill End Lodge” – Accommodation available.
6. Wollombi Valley Tourism – Hunter Valley – experience the upgraded Tourist Drive 33.
7. Drive lite Newsletter – December.
8. Christmas Party Expenses from David Lutton.
9. National Transport Museum – Upcoming Car Show. Inverell Saturday 11 May 2024.
10. Historic Vehicles Newsletter.
11. NSW Historic Motoring Association Bulletin.
Motion – After this report, we ask for the motion of acceptance.
– Moved by Glenn Withers – Seconded Stewie McLean. All in Favour – CARRIED
6. Membership Officer’s Report:
Chris Brosolo, Membership Officer
Note ;- We need to be mindful that membership renewals are WAY OVERDUE. Your rego and insurance are now null-in-void.
224 Full Members, 2 resignations, 23 outstanding.
7. New member introductions:
Welcome to Peter Trescowthic. Enjoys adventure riding. Recently bought a Honda CV 900. He joined us on the Whitfield Ride.
8. Treasurer’s Report:
David Lutton, Treasurer
Operating Account Opening Balance $ 29,681.04 Closing Balance $ 24,259.03
Income & expenditure Spreadsheet available on request.
Motion – After this report, we ask for the motion of acceptance.
– Moved by Kevin Corneliusen – Seconded – Russell Cole All in Favour – CARRIED
9. Editor/Web Manager’s Report:
Michael Sarroff, Web Manager/Editor – A New Year with a new approach.
A. Members website how to – How to find the Ride Calendar
B. Item of interest – 75th Harley Davidson Panhead Anniversary Ride.
Motion – No motion required.
10. Welfare Officer’s Report:
Michael Yerbury, Welfare Officer – Members not well – Paul Birch, David Sinclair, Troy Shephard.
Be aware of covid around again. Use masks and hand sanitiser to stay safe.
11. Ride & Rally Report:
Stewie Mclean, Ride Committee Chair –
A. A. 3rd December 2023 – Tony Ryan – Tumbarumba for Lunch via Tooma
Tony leading the Tumba Ride, in lovely weather, up the river road to coffee at Walwa. 15 starters, 11 were club plated, a great sight. The group split up then, some heading for Tumba and others a different route home. Two casualties for the day, an Indian with a flat tyre and a BMW which failed to proceed. Both Riders being a pillion home to arrange recovery. -Stewie
Please offer thanks to William Frew for carrying the Defib/First Aid Kit
B. 6th December 2023 – Stewie – Midweek coffee ride – Koetong Hotel
All the usual mid-week suspects showed up, 22 of them. 11 club plated and a couple of pillions. Lovely cool morning for a run up the river, Wayne’s Matchless was on song, and over Granya Gap to Koetong Hotel for a slap-up morning tea. Our last run this year before Christmas and last ride for both Dexter and Peter who are both shifting north. Best wishes guys and will see the rest in Feb. Cheers Stewie
Please offer thanks to David Barson for carrying the Defib/First Aid Kit
C. 21st January 2024 – Neil Hillas – Whitfield for lunch, a great turnout 26 Bikes and 6 Visitors. Thank you to all who attended. Wagyu burgers at lunch were terrific.
( Stewie – Two Riders were stopped by cops for a chat )
Please offer thanks to Michael Sarroff for carrying the Defib/First Aid kit.
D. SPECIAL UPCOMING ANNOUNCEMENT – Possible – New date 23/24 March 2024 – Stewie to advise – Lakes Entrance Over-nighter and the details.
On this ride we need a member to help carry the Defib/First Aid kit.Upcoming Rides – A show of hands by members who are planning to attend?;-
E. 4th February 2024 – Stewie – Khancoban for lunch via River rd, Walwa for coffee,
On this ride we needed a member to help carry the Defib/First Aid kit.
F. 7th February 2024 – Stewie – Midweek coffee ride – Culcairn bakery,
On this ride we needed a member to help carry the Defib/First Aid kit.
G. 18th February 2024 – Tony Ryan – Mt Buffalo for lunch,
On this ride we needed a member to help carry the Defib/First Aid kit.
12. Networking and Outside Clubs:
Elsie, Networking Committee Chair – Bendigo Historic Motorcycle Club contacted Elsie with interest to possibly meet up with us in the future.
13. General Business:
Any member willing to present a topic must make contact with the chair prior to the meeting.
A. Michael – AWMEC Annual Club Donation program. We had offered members to source and make available before January 1st any other group that would be an ideal candidate for receiving a donation from our club. We have received 1 letter. AWAR has sent us a letter asking for a donation.
Our club policy for donations is;-
- The Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club (AWMEC) will generally set aside a maximum of $2,000.00 per annum for the purpose of making charitable donations. At its discretion and within the bounds of prudent financial management, the Management Committee may recommend donating a larger amount in a given year in the event of exceptional circumstances.
- The source of funds used for donations will generally be net profit derived from AWMEC events and fundraising activities however the Management Committee may nominate to use funds from the Clubs consolidated revenue if financially prudent and supported by members.
- Members, organisations or individuals may approach the Management Committee seeking a donation or nominating a donation recipient. Any donation request should be supported by a written proposal providing brief background on the recipient, purpose for which the donation would be used, why this donation is necessary and the amount being requested.
- The AWMEC Management Committee will assess each request on its merits. The decision to accept or decline a request, and the amount to be donated will be at the discretion of the Management Committee.
- Should the Management Committee decide that a donation is appropriate, a recommendation will be put to a vote of AWMEC members, normally at a general meeting.
The Management Committee has taken the weight of the donation request and would like members to consider voting in favour.
Proposal – ‘As part of the AWMEC Annual Donation program – Management Committee would welcome members to vote in favour for the donation to AWAR for the sum of $2000’
The floor is then open for discussion – The chair will invite a member to rise and use the microphone. The member will state For or Against the proposal & their short statement. After satisfactory rounds of discussion the proposal is moved to motion and voted on.
Sandy spoke for the Motion and explained the use of the funds
Nobody spoke against the motion
The president proposed the motion seconded by Neil Hillas , called for a vote – all in favour
On a favourable resolution, we will invite AWAR to attend our February Meeting for presentation of the donation.
B. (a). AGM – upcoming on the 26th March, 2024. Seeking Volunteers for Crucial Roles
As we approach the Annual General Meeting (AGM) scheduled for 26th March, 2024, we are initiating a pre-AGM campaign to ensure the continued smooth operation of the Club by securing dedicated volunteers for essential positions.
As customary, all roles within the Club will be declared vacant during the AGM, inviting nominations from our members. We encourage every member to consider putting their name forward for any position where they believe they can contribute to the best interests of the Club.
To streamline the process, I have consulted with the Management Committee to identify those willing and available for re-election. The club’s current commitments willing to be nominated for the coming year are as follows;-
Michael – President
Neil – Vice President
Clint and Sandy – Secretary
???? – Treasurer
Chris – Membership
Paul – Bike Register Vic Roads / RMS Liaison Officer.
Michael – Web and Editor
Mike – Welfare & Fellowship Officer
Kelly – Meetings Activities Coordinator
David – Club Constitution & Rules Officer
Our Treasurer – David – has reached his maximum 4 year term. Who can fill in as Treasurer?
We also extend a specific invitation to our Machine Examiners/Scrutineers and Subcommittee Chairs, asking if they are willing to continue in their respective positions?
B. (b). Campaigning by other members –
All positions are open to any member.
For members contemplating a leadership role, we wholeheartedly encourage you to explore the possibility of running for any positions. If you are willing to take on this crucial responsibility, we kindly request that you prepare a brief statement outlining your objectives and motivations for seeking the role. We urge you to present this statement at the February Meeting.
This serves a dual purpose: not only does it allow you to showcase the Club’s best qualities and your commitment, but it also fosters an understanding among members that there are potential successors ready to step up and collaborate. This ensures a seamless transition and the ongoing growth of our Club. Position holders, knowing that there is a strong and suitable candidate to relieve their commitment, would be a blessing to some.
In addition, we invite members to consider our;-
C. Mentorship Program – Apprenticeship
As we approach the AGM campaign, I strongly encourage members to explore the enriching experience offered by our mentorship program. This initiative provides a unique opportunity for individuals to gain hands-on exposure to various roles within the Club under the guidance of our seasoned members. The program is designed to offer valuable insights into the responsibilities, methodologies, and crucial considerations essential for effective role fulfillment.
During the AGM, all position holders will wholeheartedly welcome members expressing a willingness to learn and understand the intricacies of their roles. These position holders will arrange periodic meetings to educate and provide hands-on experience, sharing what it takes to operate the Club proficiently from their positions. Importantly, this training is designed to be non-burdening to the mentor, with the hope that the mentor may, in turn, step in occasionally to support the position holder or develop an interest in assuming the role at the subsequent AGM.
Participating in this initiative not only equips members with valuable knowledge but also fosters a collaborative environment where mentorship becomes a reciprocal process, contributing to the overall growth and sustainability of the Club.
I ask all members to consider their willingness in taking up a mentorship position.
D. Butterball Survey Results – To be carried over to the February Meeting.
E. Doug Flack – VicRoads experience.
Doug explained and told his story about , paying cash and it was not recorded , all sorts of problems came from that.
Points to be remembered –
If you renewal is due you have 3 months grace to pay for it but you are not allowed to ride the bike. You will be fined and there is no Insurance cover
F. Philip Island – 1 Bed – David Lockley
G. Kevin ( Mouse ) – Announcing the new year opening of the Small Bore Rifle Range in Central Albury is now open. Thursday nights 7.30 – all welcome.
H. Club Participation Rule –
As per the Management Committee Minutes on 9th January 2024. Chair will present the findings on this issue as a brief outline. The Chair, subject to time, will ask for a round of discussions.
Phil Stuckey – The Participation Requirement for club plated bikes possibly be abolished due to difficulty of management and record keeping. Full details are in the previous minutes. This to be discussed at next meeting.
This participation rule applies to members with club plated bikes, 2 rides, meetings to be eligible.
The committee will propose at the next general meeting for the participation rule to be abolished
Please understand that the call for members’ vote will be at the following meeting in February.
General Business Etiquette;-
Proposals for General Business at meetings must be written and presented to the Committee prior to a meeting. This courtesy is for all members by allowing proper consideration and allocated time allotment during the meeting.
Process for a Proposal – ‘Quote’ – The floor is then open for discussion – The chair will invite a member to rise and use the microphone. The member will state For or Against the proposal & their short statement. After satisfactory rounds of discussion the proposal is moved to motion and voted on.
Motion – After this, we ask for the motion of approval.
– Moved by John Kirkby – Seconded Joanne Sarroff All in Favour – CARRIED
14. Club Regalia:
Kelly Coutts-Smith Meeting Activities Co-ordinator –
Hats: $20; Stubbie Holders: $8; Stickers: $1; Sew on Patches: $10; Machine Badges: $20
NOTE: Embroidery Creations at 426 Wilson St, Albury can provide polo shirts bearing the AWMEC
15. Guest Speaker / Show and Tell:
Kelly Coutts-Smith Meeting Activities Co-ordinator –
A. Mark Slice – TZR250
Upcoming Guest Speakers;-
Kelly Coutts-Smith Meeting Activities Co-ordinator – Please see Kelly to add your name to the list
February – Glenn Whiters
March – A. G. M
April – Ray Waring
May – Rex Beard
16. Q&A Segment:
This segment is for members to briefly raise questions to see if other members may be able to assist. Can be technical, general help, advice needed, looking to buy or reviews etc etc.
A. Question – Maurice has a motor. He needs help to identify it.
17. Whiteboard:
NOTE whiteboard items are up-to-date and listed on the Club website.
For Sale: Wanted:
18. Raffle Draw:
Kelly Coutts-Smith Meeting Activities Co-ordinator
Secretary and Treasurer have collected the funds, tonight’s Raffle has Raised $ 310.00 gross
Prize winners:
1st – Levenside Single Malt Whiskey and cap – Joe Gasperov
2nd – Pepperjack Shiraz, Yoga Towel, Roses Chocolates. – Neil Hillas
3rd – Parsons Paddock Shiraz, Counting Sheep Sav Blanc, Battery Pack – Peter Coulston.
19. Lucky Door Prize:
Donated by Lee Botting at ‘The Venue’ ( old name GAAC ), 5 McFarland Road, Wodonga
Siri conducts a random number – the attendance winner is: David Lutton.
20. Meeting Close and Next Meeting:
Meeting Closed at 9.16pm.
Next meeting will be 27th February 2024
MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS ARE PASS DUE AND MUST BE PAID. No payment means you will have no insurance and no rego.
Meals, Drinks and Social catchups from 5.30. General Meeting will start at 7.30 pm, Venue: ‘The Venue’ ( old name GAAC ), 5 McFarland Road, Wodonga