2025-03-05 Coffee Ride

05-03-2025 Coffee Ride – TBA.

Coffee Ride
Coffee Ride

Details here;- Midweek Coffee Ride.


If no ride captain is in attendance on the day – Please see NOTE below.

NOTE – Club Defibrillator and First-aid Kit – needs a volunteer to carry
We invite any club members who are interested in volunteering for this role, provided they are committed to ensuring the equipment’s safety, careful use, and timely return.

Please introduce yourself to the Website Editor and the Ride Captain before the event if you’re willing to volunteer as the defibrillator carrier for any upcoming rides. This will allow us to coordinate the logistics regarding the equipment effectively.

Email to editor@awmec.com.au
NOTE – In the absence of a designated Ride Captain.
  • Member-Led Rides: Members are encouraged to initiate and organize rides amongst themselves.
  • Negotiation and Consensus: Members are expected to engage in open and respectful discussions to determine the following:
    • Ride Destination(s): Agree upon the desired destination(s) for the ride.
    • Route: Determine the most suitable route(s) to the chosen destination(s), considering factors such as road conditions, rider experience levels, and overall safety.
    • Ride Schedule: Establish a tentative schedule, including departure time, anticipated arrival time, and any planned stops.
    • Ride Leader: Designate a temporary ride leader from among the participating members to assist in coordinating the group and ensuring safety.
  • Safety First: All rides, regardless of whether led by a designated Ride Captain or organized by members, must adhere to the club’s safety guidelines and all applicable traffic laws.
  • Ride Attendance Sheet: must be completed before departure. Found here RIDE ATTENDANCE SHEET
Send all details to editor@awmec.com.au
Rides start at 9.00 am, except for # May, June, July, & August which are 10.00am.
These times may be varied to suit route/conditions.
Please visit the event post for the latest up-to-date information.
The meeting place is at the – BBB – BARISTA, BAKER & BREWER. Unless posted otherwise.
Location – 358 Wodonga Place, South Albury NSW 2640.
Estimated Distances shown are to the destination.
Stay Safe – Stay Upright