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Michael Sarroff
The position of President is to focus on the best interests of all members within the club while keeping the club moving forward and active. The President is also responsible for entrepreneurial motivation of ideas and concepts and delegation of projects and duties.
A full description of duties here…
Adam Greenwood
Vice President
To support the President, contribute at Committee Meetings along with the role to motivate and delegate within the AWMEC.
A full description of duties here…
Clinton & Sandy Van De Stadt
The role does not require much time and can for the most part, be done at times that would suit the person doing the job.
A full description of duties here…
Glenn Withers
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
Chris Brosolo
My role is to maintain the register of AWMEC members..
ie on the club data-base.
Paul Bullock
Bike Register & Vic Roads/RMS Liaison
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
Michael Sarroff
Web Manager & Editor
A full description of duties here…
Mike Yerbury
Welfare & Fellowship Officer
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
Kelly Coutts-Smith
Meeting Activities Co-ordinator
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
David Lutton
Club Constitution & Rules Officer
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
Tony Ryan
NSW HCRS - Lavington
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
Stewie Mclean
NSW HCRS - Albury
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
Doug Flack
VicRoads CPS - Wodonga
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
Doug Flack
Vic Roads Permits Officer
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
Mark Lennon
NSW HCRS - Howlong
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
John Kontista
Ride Chair
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
Neil Hillas
Ride Committee
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
Stewie Mclean
Ride Committee
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
Tony Ryan
Ride Committee
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
John McInnes
Ride Committee
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
Maurice Dunston
Ride Committee
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
John Kontista
Ride Committee
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
John McInnes
Ride Committee
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
Maurice Dunston
Ride Committee
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
Neil Hillas
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
Don Stewart
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
John Kontista
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
John McInnes
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
Joanne Sarroff
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
Sharon Kontista
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
Rex Beard
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
Kelly Coutts-Smith
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
Mark Lennon
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
Ray Matheson
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
Sandy Van De Stadt
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
Stuart Moore
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
John Kontista
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
Elsie Romey
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
Rex Beard
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
Author Website News
To keep interesting current news stories posted onto the clubs website.
Author Website News
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.
Author Website News
This is where a small one sentence description of the duties carried out by the position. Can be factual or it could be funny for creatively.