2021-07-22 Minutes of Committee Meeting



Incorporated 2015 (Vic) Cert No. A0091002P ABN 36 359 421 929 

PO Box 1400, Albury NSW 2640 www.AWMEC.com.au 

Committee Meeting – Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club (Inc)  Thursday 22 July 2021 

Time 7.00 PM

Venue Zoom



Sam Trabant, Phil Stuckey, Doug Cowey, David Lutton, Mike Yerbury, George Stahl, Paul Bullock, Michael Sarroff



Glenn Kimpton


Previous Minutes from 1/7/21. 

Were accepted as posted. 

Moved Phil Stuckey Seconded Doug Cowey – Carried

Agenda Items.

  1. Review and ratification of the Clubs new Policy document (as attached) for presentation to members for acceptance.

Much discussion around the Vehicle Policy 2.1. regarding clause c. It was suggested that this clause be reworded along the lines that it remains as one non-motorcycle per member but giving the Committee discretion to consider a members request for an additional vehicle based on the members reason for requiring an additional non-motorcycle vehicle on club plates, the number of motorcycles the member has and the members record and level of involvement in Club activities. Phil will re word this clause & circulate to Committee members by email for their confirmation of the change. Once confirmed by the Committee members present at this meeting, the Clubs new Policy Document will be circulated to members for their consideration, comment and then ratification at the Clubs next General Meeting (hopefully August 24th). 

Phil Stuckey Moved, David Lutton Seconded that we endorse the Policy Document with the above outlined modification to Policy 2.1. clause c, – carried.

  1. Request for Participation Exemption  

Robert Fajler has written to the Committee requesting an exemption from the Clubs Participation Requirements on health grounds for reasons that he outlined in his request. 

The Committee agreed to exempt Robert from Participation Requirements for 2021 and until June 2022, to be reviewed at this time if required. Moved Phil, Seconded George – carried.

  1. Detail of the Meal Ticket Voucher system

David Lutton and Michael Sarroff to work out the finer details as to how this will be implemented. Moved Phil Stuckey, Seconded Doug Cowey – Carried.

  1. General Business
    1. Dave Lutton made mention that he is charged with maintaining a register of Club assets but had no starting records. Phil said that Graeme Male was storing most of the Clubs equipment and had documented them a couple of years ago. Phil will send a copy of Graeme’s list to Dave who can then follow up with Graeme for currency, location etc.
    2. Doug Cowey mention that John & Laurel Nowacki may be leaving the are in which case we should express our appreciation for their support for the Club & hosting the Bikes & Blues day in previous years. 
    3. Both Paul and Doug expressed concern that older bikes (pre 70’s) weren’t currently being ridden on Club rides (despite the Ride Committee trying to schedule rides to suit) and suggested that members with older bikes be canvassed on what would work best to encourage them to bring their old bikes out. It was agreed that Paul & Doug work with the Ride Committee and owners of older bikes to see what can be done.


  1. Next meeting sometime post covid and meeting close 8.00pm