History of Office Bearers

We would like to pay homage to our members that have offered their time by stepping up and volunteering efforts towards the club.

Without the help of members, the club would not be able to do the amazing work that benefits us all.

Office Bearers
2024202320222021202020192018201720162015 Club formed
MANAGEMENT COMMITTEECovid restrictionsCovid Restrictions
PresidentMichael SarroffMichael SarroffPhil StuckeyPhil StuckeySteve ShortSteve ShortGraeme MaleGraeme MaleGraeme MaleGraeme Male
Vice PresidentAdam GreenwoodNeil HillasMichael SarroffMichael SarroffPhil StuckeyPhil StuckeyPhil StuckeyPaul HarePaul HarePaul Hare
SecretaryClinton Van de StadtClinton Van de StadtClinton Van de StadtSam Trabant Malcolm AndersonMalcolm AndersonMalcolm AndersonMalcolm AndersonPaul HarePaul Hare
TreasurerGlenn WithersDavid LuttonDavid LuttonDavid LuttonDavid LuttonRamon CoulthardLeo KlausenLeo KlausenLeo KlausenLeo Klausen
MembershipsChris BrosoloChris BrosoloChris BrosoloGlen KimptonGlenn KimptonNorm Graef (Steve Short)Steve ShortPhil StuckeyPhil StuckeyPhil Stuckey
Ordinary Members & Office Bearers from 2022202420232022
Bike Registrar & Vic Roads/RMS Liaison OfficerPaul BullockPaul BullockPaul Bullock
Web Manager & EditorMichael SarroffMichael SarroffMichael Sarroff
Welfare & Fellowship OfficerMike YerburyMike YerburyMike Yerbury
Meeting Activities Co-ordinatorKelly Coutts-SmithKelly Coutts-SmithKelly Coutts-Smith
Club Constitution & Rules OfficerDavid LuttonDavid LuttonPhil Stuckey
Ordinary Members to 20212021202020192018201720162015 Club formed
George StahlGeorge StahlGeorge StahlGeorge StahlPaul BullockGraham WadeNil
Mike YerburyMike YerburyMike YerburyMike YerburyGeorge StahlPaul BullockNil
Paul BullockPaul BullockPaul BullockNorm GraefMike YerburyMalcolm AndersonNil
Doug CoweyNil
ADDITIONAL OFFICE BEARERS2024202320222021202020192018201720162015 Club formed
Vic Roads Permits OfficerDoug FlackDoug FlackDoug FlackDoug FlackDoug FlackDoug FlackDoug FlackDoug FlackNilNil
Bike Registrar & Vic Roads/RMS LiaisonPaul BullockPaul BullockPaul BullockPaul BullockPaul BullockRaff GangiRaff GangiNilNilNil
Web Manager & EditorMichael SarroffMichael SarroffMichael SarroffMichael SarroffGeorge StahlGeorge StahlGeorge StahlGeorge StahlGraham WadeNil
Assitant Membership OfficerNilNilNilNilNilDavid LuttonNorm GraefMalcolm AndersonMichael JohnstonNil
Welfare & Fellowship OfficerMike YerburyMike YerburyMike YerburyMike YerburyMike YerburyMike YerburyMike YerburyMike YerburyMike YerburyNil
Meeting Activities Co-ordinatorKelly Coutts -SmithKelly Coutts -SmithKelly Coutts -SmithKelly Coutts -SmithKelly Coutts-SmithKelly Coutts-SmithKelly Coutts-SmithPaul HareRoger McGregorNil
Club Constitution & Rules OfficerDavid LuttonDavid LuttonDavid LuttonPhil StuckeyPhil StuckeyPhil StuckeyPhil StuckeyNilNilNil
For 2015-2017
NSW RMS LiasionPaul BullockPaul BullockPaul Bullock
Vic Roads CPS LiasionMalcolm AndersonMalcolm AndersonPhil Stuckey
NSW RMS Permits OfficerPaul BullockPaul BullockRoger McGregor
MACHINE EXAMINERS/SCRUTINEERS2024202320222021202020192018201720162015 Club formed
NSW HCRS - HowlongMark LennonMark LennonMark LennonMark LennonMark LennonMark LennonMark LennonMark LennonMark LennonMark Lennon
NSW HCRS - LavingtonTony RyanTony RyanTony RyanTony RyanTony RyanTony RyanTony RyanTony RyanTony RyanTony Ryan
NSW HCRS - AlburyStewie McLeanStewie McLeanStewie McLeanStewie McLeanStewie McLeanStewie McLeanStewie McLean
VicRoads Permits Officer - WodongaDoug FlackDoug FlackDoug FlackDoug FlackDoug FlackDoug FlackDoug FlackDoug FlackDoug FlackDoug Flack
Note Pre 2017 all examiners did both states
RIDE COMMITTEE2024202320222021202020192018201720162015 Club formed
ChairJohn KontistaStewie McleanStewie McleanStewie McLeanStewie McLeanNilNilSteve ShortRoger McGregorRoger McGregor
MembersNeil HillasTony RyanMike YerburyMike YerburyMike YerburyMike YerburyMike YerburyMike YerburyTony RyanTony Ryan
Stewie McleanNeil HillasNeil HillasNeil HillasAndrew de VriesPhil StuckeyPhil StuckeyDave SinclairMike YerburyMike Yerbuty
Maurice DunstonJohn McInnesTony RyanTony RyanJohn McInnesPeter KeamyRobert FajlerIan ReadDave Merbach
Tony RyanGlen KimptonMark CliffordJohn McInnesAndrew BartlettStewie McLeanTim BondSteve Short
John McInnesJohn McInnesAndrewe de VriesNeil HillasBill BrennanNeil Hillas
John KontistaTony RyanAndrew Bartlett
RALLY & EVENTS COMMITTEE2024202320222021202020192018201720162015 Club formed
ChairNeil HillasNeil HillasNeil HillasStewie McLeanStewie McLeanStewie McLeanTerry McCabeTerry McCabeDoug CoweyNil
MembersDon StewartDon StewartDon StewartChris BanesSteve PerttitNeil HillasGreg AntoneGreg AntoneMaugan ReddenNil
John McInnesJohn McInnesJohn McInnesNeil HillasJohn MuratoreJohn MuratoreChris BrosoloChris BrosoloJohn NowackiNil
John KontistaJohn KontistaMark CliffordNeil HillasSteve PettitBryan 'Aussie' SaundersNil
Joanne SarroffNo rally due to CovidNo rally due to Covid
Sharon Kontista
Rex Beard
Sandy Van de Stadt
FUNDRAISING & REGALIA COMMITTEE2024202320222021202020192018201720162015 Club formed
ChairKelly Coutts-SmithKelly Coutts-SmithKelly Coutts-SmithGraeme MaleGraeme MaleGraeme MaleNilNilNilNil
MembersMark LennonMark LennonMark LennonMark LennonMark LennonMark LennonMark LennonMark LennonMark LennonNil
Ray MathiesonRay MathiesonRay MathiesonEvelyn MaleEvelyn MaleEvelyn MaleEvelyn MaleEvelyn MaleEvelyn MaleNil
Sandy Van de StadtKelly Coutts -SmithVicki MaloneyVicky MaloneyVicky MaloneyVicky Maloney
Stuart Moore
ChairJohn KontistaElsie Romey
MembersElsie RomeyJohn Kontista
Rex BeardRex Beard
MEMBER OF THE YEAR2024202320222021202020192018201720162015 Club formed
Stewie McLeanMark Lennonnot awardedStewie McLeanStewie McLeanPhil StuckeySteve ShortPaul HareNil (Phil Stuckey for old club)
Historic Motorcycle Attendance AwardDavid BarsonDavid BarsonJohn McInnes