We are pleased to confirm the 2022 Suzuki VJMC National Rally is scheduled for 25th to 27th of March, 2022 in Bendigo, Victoria.

Our objective is to make the 2022 Suzuki VJMC National Rally the most attended rally in recent times. Hence Bendigo was chosen as an easily accessible location with the Greater Bendigo City assisting to make this a memorable event.
The rally now coincides with the commemoration of 50 years since the release of the 1972 Kawasaki 900 Super 4 model Z1 and that will be part of the rally. Updates will be via this Home page, the Forum, the VJMC Magazine and broadcast via email to all members.
Rally registrations must be submitted by the 19th of February to ensure merchandise orders will be available to collect at the rally. This is due to supply chain issues resulting in protracted delivery times.
Rally registrations after Monday 14th March 2022 will incur a $10 handling fee. Rally registrations will close on Monday 21st March 2022.
Our online form will guide you through registration in minutes:
2021 Suzuki VJMC National Rally – Online Registration
General information about the weekend, accommodation and the schedule:
General Information and Rally Schedule
Saturday night awards dinner at the All Seasons Resort, pre-order required to attend:
Note: This is a two-course plated service. The choice can be made of an entrée and main or main and dessert. Special dietary requirements will be arranged by the chefs.
Saturday Evening Awards Dinner Menu
You can also enter by downloading a form and either (i) print, complete and post OR (ii) print, complete, scan and email:
Download and print a form (requires Acrobat Reader to open)
(please contact NationalRally@vjmc.org.au for assistance registering either online or by printed form)
Members are riding in groups to the rally from within and outside of Victoria. Either log into this site or see your local VJMC social media site to join the conversation. You can also contact your local Area Representative for advice.
Non VJMC Australia members are very welcome and will be treated as members. Contact the Area Representative closest to you to join a ride to the event.
Still not sure what the VJMC National Rallies are all about? Our last three National Rallies have been quite different. Please see the reports below extracted from the VJMC Magazine. Many more are available on the Members Menu after logging into this site.