Minutes of Annual General Meeting – 2021
Minutes of Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club (Inc) Annual General Meeting – 2021 held at Wodonga RSL on 23 March 2021.
Meeting was opened by Steve Short (President) at 8.35 PM.
Ray Matheson, Paul Lefoe, Craig Wilson, Malcolm Anderson, Andrew de Vries, Brian Baker, Mike Yerbury, Trevor Bruce, Maugan Redden, John Bullock.
Attendance (As per Register)
Steve Short, John McInnes, Mark Lennon, Graeme Male, Evelyn Male, Roy Whitehouse, Kay Whitehouse, Len Peters, Shirley Peters, Michael Sarroff, Phil Stuckey, Stewie McLean, Heath Filippe, Chris Banes, Paul Hare, Sam Trabant, Kelly Coutts-Smith, Allan Wilson, Neil Hillas, David Walsh, Wayne Penny, Mark Embury, Hilton Newitt, Raff Gangi, Bruce Phemister, Paul Banbury, Paul Bullock, Dexter Dobbin, Stephen Marshall, Colin Broster, Kent Baker, Leo Klausen, Troy Shipard, Michael Johnston, Doug Cowey, Michael Prestianni, David Lutton, George Stahl, Allan Purcell, Bill Brennan, Ellsworth Vonthien, Glenn Kimpton, Dave Sinclair.
Confirmation of 2020 Minutes
Minutes of the 2020 AGM were read by Steve Short (President). Neil Hillas moved the minutes be accepted, seconded Steve Marshall. Reports to Members for the 2020 Year Activities of AWMEC
- President’s Report presented by Steve Short (President)
Firstly, I would like to thank all the members of the present committee and sub committees for their efforts in this, another trying year due to COVID and all the problems it caused. We did manage a few good rides despite that and a big thanks goes to Stewie and the Ride Committee for their ability to keep up to the restrictions. It was good to see many going on the rides that we could do, a quite healthy increase in bikes, many of which were club plated.
It was a great challenge to keep things rolling with all the restrictions, especially as far as meetings of any sort kept having to be cancelled at the last minute. Thanks to all our members for their participation during the year. It was good to see memberships grow even with all the hassles of COVID.
A special thank you to Malcolm Anderson for his work this year but also the 4 years that he put into the Secretary’s job, a great effort Malcolm. Again, thanks you everyone and let’s hope we have a great time ahead with the easing of restrictions.
Moved by Steve Short, Seconded by Phil Stuckey
- Treasurer’s Report presented David Lutton (Treasurer)
Refer to full financial report attached. Summary is;
Opening Balance at 1/1/2020
AWMEC Acc $20,425.56 Rally Acc $3,357.72 TOTAL $23,783.28
Income (combined) $9,368.01
Expenditure (combined) $10,991.85 (this included donations of $4,500)
Net Loss $1,623.85
Closing Balance at 31/12/2020
AWMEC Acc $18,800.61 Rally Acc $3,358.82 TOTAL $22,159.43 Moved by David Lutton, seconded by Paul Bullock – carried
- Membership Officer’s Report presented by Glenn Kimpton (Membership Officer)
Our membership at January first 2020 was 195, we lost 11 members and gained 16 to give a total membership of 200 at December 31st 2020
Moved by Glenn Kimpton, seconded Phil Stuckey
Confirmation of Fees
The Committee proposed the Annual Membership Fee remains at $35.00 and the Joining Fee remains at $35.00.
Moved by Steve short, seconded Kelly Coutts-Smith
The motion was carried.
Election of Committee and Office Bearers
Steve Short (President) declared all Committee and Office Bearer positions vacant. Steve and the other Committee members stood down. Phil Stuckey took the chair and called for nominations for the position of Club President then Steve Short resumed the chair for the rest of the nominations.
Club Office Bearers
Club President –
Steve Short was nominated by Kelly Coutts-Smith, Steve declined the nomination.
Graeme Male was nominated by Allan Wilson, Graeme declined the nomination.
Paul Bullock was nominated by Kelly Coutts-Smith, Paul declined the nomination
As there were no further nominations the position was declared vacant.
Club Vice President –
Phil Stuckey was nominated by Graeme Male, seconded by Steve Short.
No further nominations were received, Phil accepted the nomination and was declared Vice President.
Club Secretary –
Malcolm Anderson (current Secretary) has completed four years in the position so was not eligible for re-election.
Paul Bullock was nominated by Graeme Male, Paul declined the nomination.
As there were no further nominations the position was declared vacant. PLEASE NOTE that under our constitution this position must be filled within 14 days
Club Treasurer –
David Lutton was nominated by Graeme Male, seconded by Steve Short
No further nominations were received and David accepted the nomination and was declared Treasurer.
Club Membership Officer –
Glenn Kimpton was nominated by Steve Short, seconded by Doug Cowey.
No further nominations were received and Glenn accepted the nomination and was declared Membership Officer.
Club Machine Examiners
NSW Machine Examiners
Mark Lennon – nominated by Graeme Male, seconded Steve Short Tony Ryan – nominated by Steve Short, seconded Phil Stuckey Stewie Mclean – nominated by John McInnes seconded Paul Bullock
Vic Roads Permits Officer
Doug Flack – nominated by Mark Lennon, seconded Phil Stuckey
Mark and Stewie accepted the nominations. Tony Ryan and Doug Flack were not at the meeting but it was understood that they are prepared to continue in the roles in which case all were declared in the positions
Ordinary Committee Members
Steve Short called for nominations to fill the ordinary member positions on the Club Committee.
Note – Ordinary Committee Members are also expected to fill Additional Office Bearer roles if unfilled.
Paul Bullock was nominated by Kelly Coutts-Smith, seconded by Steve Short. Paul accepted the nomination.
Mike Yerbury was nominated by Phil Stuckey, seconded by Steve Short. Mike was an apology for the meeting but had indicated prior to the meeting that he was prepared to accepted the nomination.
George Stahl was nominated by Steve Short, seconded by Raff Gangi. George accepted the nomination.
Doug Cowey was nominated by Michael Johnston, seconded by Paul Bullock. Doug accepted the nomination.
As there had previously been three Ordinary Committee Members and now four nominations, Paul Bullock proposed that the Club accepts four Ordinary Committee Members. This motion was seconded by Colin Broster, the motion was carried.
Paul, Mike, George and Doug were declared the Ordinary Committee Members
Election of Additional Office Bearers
Club Web Manager & Editor
George Stahl was nominated by Phil Stuckey, seconded by Paul Bullock.
Michael Sarroff was nominated by Glenn Kimpton, seconded George Stahl
George declined the nomination in favour of Michael. Michael accepted the nomination and as there were no further nominations, Michael was declared Web Manager & Editor
Bike Register & VicRoads/RMS Liaison Officer –
Paul Bullock was nominated by Steve Short, seconded Phil Stuckey. Paul accepted the nomination and as there were no further nominations, Paul was declared Bike Register & Vic Roads/RMS Liaison Officer
Welfare and Fellowship officer –
Mike Yerbury was nominated by Steve Short, seconded by Kelly Coutts-Smith. Mike had previously indicated that he would accept the nomination. As there were no further nominations, Mike was declared Welfare and Fellowship Officer
Meeting Activities Coordinator –
Kelly Coutts-Smith was nominated by Phil Stuckey, seconded by Doug Cowey. Kelly accepted the nomination and as there were no further nominations, Kelly was declared Meeting Activities Coordinator.
Club Constitution and Rules Officer –
Phil Stuckey was nominated by Graeme Male, seconded Stewie Mclean. Phil accepted the nomination and as there were no further nominations, Phil was declared Club Constitution & Rules Officer.
Sub Committees
Ride Committee
Chairperson – Stewie Mclean nominated by Steve Short, seconded Evelyn Male. As there were no other nominations & Stewie accepted the nomination he was declared as Ride Committee Chairperson.
Members – Mike Yerbury, Neil Hillas, Tony Ryan, Andrew de Vries, John McInnes
Rally and Events Committee
Chairperson – Stewie Mclean nominated by Graeme Male, seconded Neil Hillas. As there were no other nominations & Stewie accepted the nomination he was declared Rally & Events Committee Chairperson
Members – Steve Pettit, Neil Hillas, John McInnes, Chris Banes
Fundraising and Regalia Committee
Chairperson – Graeme Male nominated by Steve Short, seconded by David Lutton. As there were no other nominations & Graeme accepted the nomination, he was declared as Fund Raising & Regalia Committee Chairperson
Members – Evelyn Male, Mark Lennon and Kelly Coutts-Smith
Meeting Close
The meeting was closed by Steve Short at 9.21 pm.