2021-05-06 Minutes of Committee Meeting

Committee Meeting – Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club (Inc)

Date 6 May 2021 

Time 7.08 PM

Venue Kooka Brotha’s Office, 6 Moloney Drive, Wodonga


  1. Attendees:

Michael Sarroff, Sam Trabant, Phil Stuckey, Mike Yerbury, Glenn Kimpton, Dave Lutton, George Stahl, Doug Cowey


  1. Apologies: Paul Bullock 


  1. Previous Minutes 21/4/21. (Sam)

Moved Sam Trabant

Seconded Dave Lutton – Carried


  1. Business arising from previous minutes.

Michael has resolved the email issues we need to ensure that only authorised people can send group email. Committee thanked Michael for his prompt action on that matter.


  1. Filling Presidents position

Roger has notified Phil Stuckey that he will decline the president’s role.


Phil Stucky has offered to take on the position of President for this year. After short discussion it was agreed that as Vice President Phil Stuckey can Assume the role of President Moved Sam Trabant

Seconded Doug Cowey – Carried.


Vacancy for the Vice Presidents role – Graeme Male has offered to take on VP role.

Phil Stuckey moved that we put it to the membership that we are looking for someone to come into the VP role with the aim of considering taking on the presidency.

Second George Stahl – Carried.

  1. General Meeting venue, situation & options 

RSL requires 20 meals or no catering and starting the meetings at 7.00pm.

RSL have applied an open meals plan for their members up until 8pm in an attempt to increase catering numbers – They will trial this for 3 months and will review the catering after that time.

The committee moved that we continue with the RSL arrangement and encourage members to have a meal and wait for the determination of the trial.

Moved Phil Stuckey

Seconded Glenn Kimpton – Carried


  1. Membership Officers report on last years members not attending (Glenn)

Ross Riley has arranged to attend the ride on the 25th.

Discussion around new members not attending meetings or rides – We can’t avoid the rules we are governed by.


  1. Treasurer’s report on Club insurance situation (David)

Insurance correspondence in has our insurance signed off and covered without issue. May need to go into next membership number bracket (200 to 300) for October policy renewal.


Discussion around donations to charities – Phil Stuckey to complete the policy document and distribute to the members to clarify our policy and procedures regarding donations.

Sam to re-circulate the policy document as it stands.


  1. Update on website & emails (Michael) – are the 3 club emails set up & working?

Phil, George, Mike and Sam to meet with Michael to go through the structure and content of the website at a time to be advised.


  1. Additional Office Bearer positions becoming part of the Management Committee in place of Ordinary Members (from previous minutes) 

That the additional members to the committee at the AGM be made up of the following positions rather than just ordinary members: Bike register & Vic Roads/RMS; Web Manager and editor; Welfare and fellowship officer; Club Constitution and rules officer.

Moved – Dave Lutton

Seconded – Mike Yerbury



  1. Signatures on bank & VicRoads forms

Hume bank needs my member number – 630876


  1. General Business

Dave Lutton proposed that items from 1 Jan 201go 8 – 30 June 2018 be added to the rally ledger to correct the account. NB this does not change the end amount.

Seconded – Sam Trabant



Membership suggestion box to determine which direction the members would like the club to develop or activities the members would like participate in. Secretary to collect and manage the suggestion box.

Moved Glenn Kimpton

Seconded Michael Yerbury



  1. Next meeting and meeting close

Feedback via email with respect to policy document.

Meeting closed 8:56pm