2022-06-28 Minutes of General Meeting


Incorporated 2015 (Vic) Cert No. A0091002P          ABN 36 359 421 929 

PO Box 1400, Albury NSW 2640       www.AWMEC.com.au 

General Meeting – Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club (Inc) Minutes of Meeting  

Date: 28 June 2022 Time: 7.30 pm 

Venue: German Austrian Australian Club, 5 McFarland Road, Wodonga 

  1. Welcome & Attendees

Phil opened meeting at 7.35 pm and welcomed all attendees. Please ensure you have signed the  attendance book 

Phil called for proxy’s for the Motion – per the Agenda sent to members ( Phil collected proxy’s) Attendances per book Members 59, Visitors 7. 

  1. Apologies

Graeme and Evelyn Male, Mike Yerbury, John Bullock , Dexter Cobbin, Glen Kimpton, Tony Ryan,  Kevin Star, Ben Sheck-Townsend, Martin Reid, Craig Wilson, Michael Johnston, Greg Parish,  Lindsay Tremethick, Rick Del Monte, Allan Wilson, Max Bird, John Kirkby, Leo Klausen, Bruce Ball,  Peter McDonald, David Johnston, David Shepherd, Buck Gardiner. 

  1. Previous Minutes

Minutes of General Meeting May 24th – as circulated per website. 

Approved Michael Sarroff – Seconded : Kelly Coutts-Smith – All in favour – Carried  

  1. Business Arising from Previous Minutes
  2. Special Resolution as proposed by Stewie McLean to amend rule 13 (Life Membership)  of the Clubs constitution to allow the Committee to override the 15 years continuous  membership requirement in exceptional circumstances. This will be raised as a Special  Resolution for our July meeting (26/7) as the formal motion needs to be circulated 21  days prior to the meeting. 

The Motion to be circulated next week.  

No further business arising from previous minutes. 

  1. Correspondence (In and Out) Clinton Van de Stadt, Secretary 

Correspondence In: 

– Shine Newsletter – Albury / Wodonga Regional Council – Copy available.

– National Thunder Motorcycle Rally. – Tamworth. 30th Sept – 3rd October 2022 – Copy available. – Historic Vehicle Newsletter — Copy available 

– Roadshow Meetings – NSWHMA – (New South Wales Historical Motor Vehicles Association)  Phil Mudie – to find out more about this. 

– Veteran and Vintage MC Club of SA (motorcycles) swap meet – 3rd October 22- Adelaide Hills,  South Australia. This forms part of the Festival Of Motorcycling South Australia (FOMSA). 

– Invitation to Join Motorsports Australia’s Enthusiasts Club Community. To find out more about  this.  

 Correspondence out: 

Contact NSWHMA- find out more. 

Contact Enthusiasts Club Community. 

  1. Membership Officer’s Report: Chris Brosolo, Membership Officer 

Club has 212 Members Currently. – 2 Prospective new Members  

No new members tonight.  

Welcome back to Len McCallum after his accident 2 years ago . 

  1. New member introductions:


  1. Treasurer’s Report: David Lutton, Treasurer 

Opening Balance $24,175.23 Closing Balance $23,885.19  

Income : Raffle $122.00 and Memberships :$35.00 = $157.00 and  

Expenditure: Professional fees: $60.10, Raffle Expenses: $36.94, Steve Short Wake: $350.00 =  $447.04 

Rally Account $3359.16 .  

NOTE: Income & expenditure Spread sheet available on request. 

  1. Editor/Web Manager’s Report: Michael Sarroff, Web Manager/Editor 

This month of June has again shown a small decrease in unique visitors. Down by 11.9% from last  month. 

I can understand this as we are now braving the winter weather for our rides. 

This can also explain how our Top Keyword Searches have Heated Gloves as one of the top search  hits. 

A change in most popular pages this month with the For Sale page moving up followed by  Memberships Page.

I have had 1 member take up the offer to display his business within the members business  directory. I would like to see more. 

This is a reminder to members that you are welcome to display your business and services on the  website in the Members business directory. 

It is very simple for me to add. Just give me a business card. 

Total Unique Visitors: 118 

Top viewing days : Sunday and Friday 

Devices viewing from : Desktop 64% Mobile 31% Tablet 5% 

Top Keyword Searches: 


Albury Wodonga motorcycle club Heated Glove Liners Australia Thin Heated Gloves Australia Most Popular Pages: 

Rides Events 

For Sale Membership 

Most recent additions 

What do you listen too? – check Michaels playlist  

Touch up Chipped Paint on Alloys 

Saturday Survive the Ride Workshop Midweek Coffee Ride – Stewie – Ride Report. 10.Welfare Officer’s Report: Michael Yerbury, Welfare Officer 

Apologies from Michael Yerbury. He could not attend. 

Phil Stuckey reported that Bill Brennan had been in Hospital and is not well at the moment. 

11.Ride & Rally Report: Stewie McLean, Ride Committee Chair and Neill Hillas Rally Committee. 

Rally – Neil Hillas: Confirmed rally dates – 1st and 2nd October 2022, Corryong Hotel Motel and  another motel available. 9 Marshalls required to help – Please contact Neil if you can help. Closing  dates for entries 3rd September 2022. Next meeting – More info on costs. 

Roger Mcgregor : suggestion: – Try and keep the entry costs to no more than $10.00. Also try (from  his previous experience) to get the entry form, for the rally, on the website ASAP as he has had calls  asking him when the rally is taking place. 

He also suggests that you do not cut the entries off on the 3rd of September as a great percentage  of people will only decide, late, if they will go on the rally. Also, send invitations to people who had  been on the rally previously. 

Stewie McLean ride reports: 

Mark Clifford – Reported: 12th June 2022 – Granya to Dartmouth ride. 2 club plated bikes – 7 bikes  in total = 9 people in all. Granya via River road, Granya gap to Tallangatta for a Cuppa, Omeo  Highway to Dartmouth. Checked out the wall, back to Eskdale pub for lunch – John and Sheryl most  accomodating,good lunch. John and Sharon Batista – first ride with the club came from Wagga they  had a long ride for the day. Granya gap was wet and Moss on the road – very slippery. Wayne  Penny on his new Triumph T120 , Chris Baines on his new/old ZX900 . 4 BMW’s as well Thanks to  all who attended and a good day was had by all. 

Stewie McLean reported:  

Coffee ride/retired gentlemans ride to Morven Pub – Wednesday : 8th June 2022. 12 Starters, very  cold but clear Morning, Don had a flat tyre after getting to the start point on old triumph -upgraded  to spare and met us at Morven Pub for Coffee and Nibbles. “ Anfractuous” ( Stewie’s words) route  through Jindera – Gerogery and returning via Mullengandra. All were happy with ride. 

Sunday 26th June – TO Corryong – 3 Riders – Coffee at Walwa, 2 members and 1 guest – he  operates the Wyhma Ferry and is looking for a club to join, good feed at Corryong bottom Pub, good  Sunny day. Home via Koetong. 300 kms covered.  

Things coming up  

Fundraiser BBQ for the Talgarno Fire Brigade George Styles Numbers required 10th July. 

23rd July Saturday Ride – Roger to lead us to Indian Museum/ Restoration workshops / Race Bikes.  Meet at 10.00am – travel to Howlong meet more people at Howlong bakery. 

Distinguished Gentlemans Ride – Some members have been on. The person who was running it  has moved to Melbourne and passed the baton to us to organize the ride. ie: the Distinguished  Gentlemans Ride 2023, will be run out of Albury date: 21 May 2023  

Acceptance of Reports – Moved: Paul Bullock Seconded: Kelly Coutts – Smith  Reports accepted.  

12.General Business 

  • Vote on venue for AWMWC general meetings after three month trial at GAA Club as  deffered from our April meeting. 

The Motion as proposed by the Clubs Management Committee is that “the AWMEC  continues to hold its general meetings at the German Austrian Australian Club (GAA)” Members may speak for or against the motion at the discretion of the Chair prior to a final  vote being taken. 

Phil reminded the meeting that to vote you need to be a Financial member of the club and a member  prior to today.  

Background – Meetings were held at the Wodonga RSL with the previous club – CEMCC and when  the new club was formed – AWMEC in 2015, meetings continued at the Wodonga RSL, it worked 

well for a long period and meals were introduced and a good meeting place was developed that had  a good atmosphere for members to: – catch up, have a meal and a drink as well as attending the  meeting. 

This has worked well until about 3 years ago, when things at the RSL changed ie: catering  arrangements- at the end there was no chef available. These changes prompted the committee to look for other venues to suit the needs of the Club. In February 2022 the committee members,  individually and collectively, having a set criteria, spent a lot of time, looking at Venues around  Albury / Wodonga.  

It was decided- to use the GAAC – which would open especially for us, they could put on meals  that we see tonight, ie: good food, reasonable prices, drinks, good service, great atmosphere. A good meeting venue to suit our needs as well as storing our equipment for meetings.  

This was for a 3 month trial, which was up in April and there was a slim majority vote to postpone  that decision for a couple of months – pending the RSL getting a new Committee and to see what  they could offer us. 

The motion was to move that decision to tonight and vote on that decision tonight.  The Committee’s key criteria, in choosing venues, are as follows : 

  1. Venue should have a private room with space to take up to 100 people seated. B. Available from 6 to 10pm, for meetings on the 4th Tuesday of the month.  C. Bar available in or next to the meeting room with reasonably priced drinks. D. Meals available from 6.00pm at reasonable prices . 
  2. Available to take bikes into the meeting room for show and tell  
  3. No venue hire charges and welcoming to bike club. 
  4. Available for other meetings such as committee meetings.  
  5. Suitable to hold Fuctions and events – such as Christmas Parties, special days etc . I. Storage of club equipment desirable if available. 

We have been here for 5 meetings and this has met our requirments very well. The committee has  moved a motion tonight : “ That the AWMEC continues to hold our general meetings at the GAAC”.  

Phil called for people to speak for and against the motion.  

Paul Bullock reported: 

As it was decided, that, the committee would check with the RSL to see where they were at – Paul  Bullock has been checking with them he has an update. 

Paul contacted the RSL in May and spoke to a Lady by the name of Jenny Bolt (new RSL Secretary), to ask her some relavent questions regarding the use of the facilties and their proposal to continue  on with the catering service.  

The response was: 

Use of facility – 7pm till 9pm for our club and could not guarantee catering services at that time,  even though they had or thought they had a chef in the process. 

Paul rang again, on the Day before our meeting – ie: Monday 27th June 2022 to confirm what  arrangements may be still available: 

  1. Yes they would welcome us back, no problem, but still had the time slot of 7pm to 9.00pm  B. Nothing had changed in the catering process, still no chef. 

With those conditions in mind I feel we are ready to vote. 

Phil again called for any one else who wanted to speak on the motion  

Dave Merbach – He had a call from Graeme Male in the afternoon (27th June 2022) saying that  they did have a Chef there now and they would open from 6pm until 10pm apparently on the Tuesday night, but that was from Graeme today.  

Paul Bullock Response – He had spoken to the RSL after Greame had spoken to them and he  checked again at 2.00pm yesterday afternoon ( 26th June 2022), there was nothing Positive. 

Phil thanked Dave and Paul — Points to be made: 

  1. That the committee should be contacting the RSL on behalf of the club not anybody else when to do with specific club issues.  
  2. We are a motorcycle club and we need to choose a venue / situation/ environment that best  suits the needs of the club. 

This is the basis of which the committee has made its initial decision. 

Col Broster – The RSL has been good to us for many years, they supplied the venue when we had  problems with other venues, they are in a bit of a mess at this time and I feel we owe them  something, they are worthy as a cause of looking after somehow, so consideration should be taken  when voting. We may still be able to support them in a charitable way. 

Phil responded – Thanks. You are correct in terms of the support for the RSL and it would be good  to continue supporting the RSL as individuals. But with the change of the committee at the RSL, it  changed the situation which took away what the benefit there was to the our club. What we are proposing is in the best interests of our club.  

Stewie Mclean – Just to clarify – “ the RSL does not have meals on Tuesday nights”. 

Phil – Yes, at this point they cannot provide meals and this was the problem 3 years ago, they  changed and stopped having a contract caterer and employed a chef which means that they had to  pay wages etc. Which means they had to have a certain amount of meals to make it viable for  them. They wanted us to guarantee that we would have more than 20 in for meals which, I as  president, could not guarantee how many people were going to show up for meals. This made things  more difficult on a month by month basis and they were struggling to keep a chef. 

As there were no other speakers for or against, Phil called for a vote on the Motion, there is no time  frame on it. We can stay as long as we are happy to do so.  

Motion: “The AWMEC continues to hold its General Meetings at the German Austrian Australian  Club”. 

Show of hands in Favour of the Motion – a significant majority of eligible members present voted in  favour of the motion.

Show of hands against : a small minority of those present voted against the motion.  It was very clear that there was an overwhelming support for the Motion and it was well carried . Phil thanked the members for their participation. 

  • Other items

Kelly: There has been a donation of Bike magazines for members to read -Thanks to Mark Sice . 

Phil proposed that we set up a table at meetings for members with unwanted Bike magazines to bring & leave for other members to go through & take if interested. 

Doug Flack asked if we can store them at the GAAC – Phil checked with Lee and he was positive. 

Kelly to supply Plastic container to store them, the GAAC is willing to store the container so members  and Visitors can leave & take magazines at meetings. 

Mark Clifford – Saturday morning Sausage Sizzle Twin Cities Harley Davidson Saturday Morning  at 10am to 12noon. 

13.Club Regalia 

Hats: $20; Stubbie Holders: $8; Stickers: $1; Sew on Patches: $10; Machine Badges: $20 

14.Guest Speaker / Show and tell: Introduced by Kelly Coutts-Smith, Meeting Activities Co ordinator 

No Guest Speaker tonight  

Members wishing to present a project bike or guest speaker at a club meeting should contact Kelly Coutts-Smith (0458 179 411) to  arrange a presentation time. Text is the best way to contact Kelly as she is not always able to take phone calls during the day due  to work. Email is also ok – Kelly’s email is kcoutts-smith@hotmail.com 

15.Technical Q&A Segment: This segment is for members to briefly raise techinal questions to  see if other members may be able to assist. 

Clint van de Stadt – email received from Derek Karutz. Derek being at the meeting continued – Derek’s mate he has a Honda 1972 Trial bike – clutch trouble looking for some one to work on it. Suggest – Village Japanese motorcycle club.  

Michael Sarrof mentioned how segment is working: 

Question: how to touch up Black alloys – answer: the VHT engine enamel paint was the best to  use, spray into a plastic cup and then take an artists brush and paint it on in very fine layers, allowing  to dry between layer. 


NOTE whiteboard items are also on the Club website – Please advise if not avaible any more 

For Sale:6 Items for sale  

Nolan Full Face Helmet . New. Never worn, $100.00 Contact Elsie 0409 668 731  

Old Style Fiberglass Motorcycle fairing, Not sure what bike, Fibreglass in reasonable condition,  $30.00 Contact Troy – 0401 716 633  

2002 Yamaha TDM900p , 103 000 kms on the clock, Excellent Condition, $ 2500 Contact Dave  Sinclair – MOB: 0419 985 556 Or Michelle Sinclair MOB: – 0427 245 804  

2WA Shift Jeans With Dupont Kevlar and Body Armour, Excellent Condition – brand new, Size:  Men’s Waist – 36 inch, $ 189.00 Or make an Offer. Contact Michael – the editor  

Seat for Moto Guzzi V7 – as new, $100.00. Contact Don – mob – 0488 373 143 

Rear Tyre for Moto Guzzi Roma, Brand new never fitted, size : 150/80 16 New price $249.00  asking price $180.00 Contact Don 0488 373 143 

On the Night :  

1983 Kawasaki KZ 750 Make an Offer – Bruce 

Ladies Leather jacket size 10 , and Leather Pants . see: Stewie McLean  

 Wanted To Buy: 4 Items total  

1972 Honda K2 750 Exhaust Original, Good Condition , Price : ??. Contact Peter Coulston mob :  0418 424 895  

Vintage Friction Steering damper . To suit 1920’s Flat tank Motorcycle, Needed for 1927, AJS 350  Bigport Restoration. Any condition considered, value ??. 

Contact Peter – mob 0421 140 547 .  

Kawasaki GPZ900 Fuel Tank, Contact -Geoff. – mob – 0400 920 278  

TT350 Yamaha Trial Bike, pre 1990 model For NSWS Club plates, Running or not . Contact  Adrian – mob 0438 281 721.  

On the night  

19” Tyres – required any condition Contact Roger McGregor  

Stewie – looking for: Standard handle bars for a postie Bike- Original or close to it. 

 Phil Stuckey : Doug Flack, who is retiring and has sold his shed. Phil thanked him for his  contribution – re: Whiteboard, the is work done for the club. He will still be available to do Inspections  from home on Friday mornings. 

You need to book an Appointment for a vehicle examination. 

17.Raffle Draw and Lucky Door meal Ticket: Kelly Coutts -Smith  

Raised $ 234.00, Regalia: $62.00 

Prize winners: 1- Alan Purcell – 2 Bottles wine + meal Voucher. 2 – John Batista – Club regalia +  Bottle of port. 3 – Dave Merbach – Liquorice, chocolates + Spanners .  

Lucky Draw Meal voucher for GAAC – drawn from attendance book on the night: Maurice Thompson  

18.Meeting Close and Next Meeting 

Closed Meeting at 8:50 pm  

Next Meeting: 26 July 2022, General Meeting 7.30 pm, at The GAAC. Meals available from  5:30pm.