Hello Murray Riverina VJMCers,
This Saturday 22nd April is the Rutherglen Rumble Show. The show is up at the Rutherglen Showground. It’s open from 8.00am till 5.00pm. I’ll be there at 8.00am to set up the gazebo etc. So please give it some thought as it should be a great day. Last year there were some fantastic bikes to see.
Colin and I will be there early to set up our bikes etc. So, make your own way to Rutherglen and hopefully, we will see you there.

Our Sunday ride which was put back a week due to the Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Club’s ProMX last Sunday. This Sunday 23rd our ride is to Paul Robinson’s in Thurgoona to see his model train set up in his shed. He has three gauges set up and should be interesting. I be asking about his electrical set up! So, we meet at Barista, Baker & Brewer, Wodonga place at 9.00am for a coffee then ride out to Pauls at 10.00am. You’ll be home in time for that Roast Chicken lunch.
Rex Beard #1503
VJMC Area Representative
Murray Riverina