2024-02-27 Minutes of General Meeting


Incorporated 2015 (Vic) Cert No. A0091002P          ABN 36 359 421 929 

PO Box 1400, Albury NSW 2640       www.AWMEC.com.au 

General Meeting – Albury Wodonga Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club (Inc) MINUTES OF MEETING  

Date: 2024-02-27 Time: 7.30 pm (meals available from 5.30pm) 

Venue: ‘The Venue’ (old name GAAC ), 5 McFarland Road, Wodonga 

  1. Welcome & Attendees:

Michael opened the meeting at 7.30pm. 

Members must vote for the Club Person of the Year – slips are on the table for your vote, they will  be collected at the end of the evening.  

2024 Dakar Rally – have a look on the website under the NEWS Section. Aussies come 6th. Michaels unique chicken coup has now an amazing door system!  

  1. Apologies:

Sharon Kontista, Evelyn Male, John McInnes, Paul Birch, Kate Thomas, Ashley Male, Doug  Cowey, Howard Smith, David Barson, Karl Brandmeier, Doug Flack, Mike Yerbury, Mark Sice,  Lindsay Tremethick. 

  1. Previous Minutes:

Minutes of the General Meeting dated 2024-01-23 as circulated via email & posted to the website. Motion of acceptance – 

– Moved by- John Kirkby Seconded – Russell Cole All in favour Carried 4. Business Arising from Previous Minutes: 

Butterball rally survey – Move to general Business.  

AGM – Upcoming on the 26th March 2024 – agenda to follow, we will hold the AGM and then a  general meeting.  

Stewie noted there was an error on the Bike Calendar about the AGM date – correct date 26th  March 2024.  

AWMEC Annual Club Donation program – We welcomed Rae Smith from AWAR to receive our  donation. Rae gave us a brief outline of how the Rescue works. The Hub address is 323 Wagga  Road Lavington.  

Michael thanked Rae for attending an explaining about the AWAR  

  1. Correspondence (In and Out):

Clinton Van de Stadt, Secretary 

Correspondence In: 

  1. The Oriana Orange. Retro Resort. 
  2. Historic Vehicles Newsletter. Feb/March. 
  3. Transport NSW Drive Lite Newsletter. 
  4. Consumer Affairs Victoria – To submit Annual Statement for year Jan23 to Dec 23. 5. Bundanoon Country Inn – Southern Highlands of NSW. 
  5. David Lutton – Rule change with reference to Bikes and Blues. 
  6. Renewal of the Post Box. 

Motion of acceptance 

Moved by. Sam Trabant Seconded Joanne Sarroff All in favour. Carried 

  1. Membership Officer’s Report:

Chris Brosolo, Membership Officer 

New members tonight – 4 Members overall 230. 16 Unpaid. 

MISSED ASKING FOR MOTION – Will make note of this at the next members meeting.  

  1. New member introductions:

Welcome to new members  

Jim Oxley, Kevin Mallavy, Stuart Larkin, Stephen Jones. 

  1. Treasurer’s Report:

David Lutton, Treasurer 

Operating Account Opening Balance $ 24,259.03 Closing Balance $ 25,012.05   NOTE Income & expenditure Spreadsheet available on request. 

Motion of acceptance: 

– Moved by Sam Trabant – Seconded: Paul Bullock All in Favour Carried 

  1. Editor/Web Manager’s Report:

Michael Sarroff, Web Manager/Editor – A New Year with a new approach.  

  1. Members website how to – The Committee and how to find the Office Bearers List. 
  2. Item of interest – Quail Motorcycle Gathering in Carmel California. Visit our NEWS section on  the website to view more about this. 
  3. Welfare Officer’s Report:

Michael Yerbury, Welfare Officer – Apology absent tonight. 

  1. Ride & Rally Report:

Stewie Mclean, Ride Committee Chair – 

4th February 2024 – Stewie – (Khancoban) A shortened ride to Walwa for coffee and return home  before too hot. 10 Bikes, 4 club plated.  

7th February 2024 – Stewie – Midweek coffee ride – 20 Starters for a run up the back roads to  Culcairn Bakery. Great day out.

18th February 2024 – 10 Club plated bikes. 13 all together travelled to the top of Mt. Buffalo.  Lovely views. 


Sunday 3rd March – Adventure ride – cancelled Glenn Kimpton could not make it. Members were  asked on the night, however, no one else was willing to lead the ride. 

6th March 2024 – John McInnes Midweek Coffee Ride – Whorouly café. 

23th & 24th March 2024 – Lakes Entrance Over-nighter – John McInnes will be leading this ride.  Stewie will be standing down from the Ride chair.  

Stewie was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation for his time as the Ride chair. 

Michael reminded the members about the club defibrillator, and we need members to be able to  volunteer to carry it on the rides. Please make contact with Michael if you are able to carry the  Defib/First Aid kit. 

  1. Networking and Outside Clubs:

Elsie, Networking Committee Chair – 

Bendigo Historic Motorcycle website address updated. Griffith Motorcycle Rally upcoming – Anzac  Day. 

  1. General Business:
  2. A. (a) AGM – upcoming on the 26th March, 2024. Seeking Volunteers for Crucial Roles 

As we approach the Annual General Meeting (AGM) scheduled for 26th March, 2024, we are  initiating a pre-AGM campaign to ensure the continued smooth operation of the Club by securing  dedicated volunteers for essential positions. 

As customary, all roles within the Club will be declared vacant during the AGM, inviting  nominations from our members. We encourage every member to consider putting their name  forward for any position where they believe they can contribute to the best interests of the Club. 

To streamline the process, I have consulted with the Management Committee to identify those  willing and available for re-election. The club’s current commitments willing to be nominated for the  coming year are as follows;- 

Michael – President 

Neil – Vice President 

Clint and Sandy – Secretary 

???????????? – Treasurer – ( possibly Glenn Withers ) 

Chris – Membership 

Paul – Bike Register Vic Roads / RMS Liaison Officer. 

Michael – Web and Editor 

Mike – Welfare & Fellowship Officer 

Kelly – Meetings Activities Coordinator 

David – Club Constitution & Rules Officer

Our Treasurer – David – has reached his maximum 4 year term.  

Michael presented David with a Certificate of Appreciation.  

We also extend a specific invitation to our Machine Examiners/Scrutineers and Subcommittee  Chairs, asking if they are willing to continue in their respective positions? 

Mark Lennon – NSW HCRS – Howlong: 

Tony Ryan – NSW HCRS – Lavington: 

Stewie Mclean – NSW HCRS – Albury: 

Doug Flack – VicRoads Permits Officer – Wodonga: 

Stewie Mclean – Additional Vic Mach Exam + : 

??????????? – Ride Chair 

Neil Hillas – Rally & Events Chair 

Kelly Coutts-Smith – Fundraising & Regalia 

Elsie Romey – Networking with external clubs and groups 

  1. (b) Campaigning by other members –

All positions are open to any member. 

For members contemplating a leadership role, we wholeheartedly encourage you to explore the  possibility of running for any positions. If you are willing to take on this crucial responsibility, we  kindly request that you prepare a brief statement outlining your objectives and motivations for  seeking the role. We urge you to present this statement at the February Meeting. 

This serves a dual purpose: not only does it allow you to showcase the Club’s best qualities and  your commitment, but it also fosters an understanding among members that there are potential  successors ready to step up and collaborate. This ensures a seamless transition and the ongoing  growth of our Club. Position holders, knowing that there is a strong and suitable candidate to  relieve their commitment, would be a blessing to some. 

Michael asked for any members to address the meeting – None forthstanding. In addition, we invite members to consider our;- 

  1. Mentorship Program – Apprenticeship

As we approach the AGM campaign, I strongly encourage members to explore the enriching  experience offered by our mentorship program. This initiative provides a unique opportunity for  individuals to gain hands-on exposure to various roles within the Club under the guidance of our 

seasoned members. The program is designed to offer valuable insights into the responsibilities,  methodologies, and crucial considerations essential for effective role fulfillment. 

During the AGM, all position holders will wholeheartedly welcome members expressing a  willingness to learn and understand the intricacies of their roles. These position holders will  arrange periodic meetings to educate and provide hands-on experience, sharing what it takes to  operate the Club proficiently from their positions. Importantly, this training is designed to be non burdening to the mentor, with the hope that the mentor may, in turn, step in occasionally to support  the position holder or develop an interest in assuming the role at the subsequent AGM. 

Participating in this initiative not only equips members with valuable knowledge but also fosters a  collaborative environment where mentorship becomes a reciprocal process, contributing to the  overall growth and sustainability of the Club. 

I ask all members to consider their willingness in taking up a mentorship position. 

  1. AWMEC CLUB PARTICIPATION RULE – Rule 1 in the Clubs rules – 

As per the Management Committee Minutes on 9th January 2024 and the outline provided at the  Members Meeting on 23rd January 2024, we wish to address a matter of significant importance  regarding our Club’s Participation Rule. 

The AWMEC Club Participation Rule currently requires members with club plated bikes through  the club, to participate in a minimum of two club events per year (a mix of meetings, rides &  events) to have their club permit renewals endorsed in the following year. This rule was  suspended for 2020 & 2021 due to Covid but re commenced from 2022.  

Since commencing in 2015, the Club had implemented this rule using the Clubs in-house  database/spreadsheet however in 2019 the club (for various reasons) moved to an off-the-shelf  database to manage the clubs memberships (OurCarClub – OCC). Since re-implementing the  participation rule after Covid in 2022 using the new database, it has become evident that the OCC  reporting limitations makes it very difficult to manage & implement the Clubs participation rule as it  currently stands. 

This raises the fundamental question: Is the Participation Rule truly a benefit to our Club? 

After much deliberation, the Management Committee has reached the conclusion that the  Participation Rule is no longer applicable given the diverse nature of our membership within the  Club. Instead, we believe it is more prudent to adopt an approach that greatly encourages  participation without mandating it. 

As a result of this situation, the Management Committee proposes the removal of the current  Participation Rule (Rule 1) and its replacement with a new Policy. This Policy will encourage,  rather than enforce, members’ participation in our Club’s activities. Acknowledgement and  incentives will be provided to stimulate participation. 

Proposed Motion by the Management Committee : 

“The current AWMEC Club Participation Rule (Rule 1) be removed and replaced by a new Policy  which encourages (but doesn’t enforce) participation in Club events by members.”

We believe this shift in approach will better align with the evolving dynamics of our Club and foster  a more inclusive and engaging environment for all members. 

Michael asked for the motion to be moved. 

Moved Paul Bullock and seconded by Russel Cole 

Elsie correctly explained that the proposal does not require a motion of movement, as the proposal  was agreed by the Management Committee and presented. Thus the proposal can go straight to a  vote by the members. Thank you Elsie.  

The floor is then open for discussion – The chair will invite a member to rise and use the  microphone at the front of the room. The member can speak for or against the motion. 

After satisfactory rounds of discussion the proposal is voted on  

Voting with show of Hands – 

Majority of the room was in favour of the Motion. There were 5 against. 

The motion is – Carried 

  1. Neil – Butterball Rally Feedback Form. Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey.  Overall, positive feedback – Classic bikes were missing out due to the length of the Rally. This  year our Butterball will be done locally. This will include 2 rides – 1 for modern bikes and a shorter  one for the classic bikes. Both will start and finish at the same point. Neill would appreciate any  further ideas or thoughts from members. Neil is looking for more members to join the Rally  Committee.  
  2. Machine Examiners – NSW 

Stewie Mclean , Mark Lennon , Tony Ryan  

Re – Members not following the Rules with club plate Registrations.  

Stewie and Paul contacted Ian Browning – Secretary of Historic Motoring Association, with regard  to these issues.  

We must adhere to the Protocols set out by NSW Service. (Refer to the website for further  information regarding these rules.) 

NSW club plated bikes MUST be checked by an examiner each year when renewing your  registrations. Members to bring blank application form, current club membership card/receipt of  payment. Examiners will take 4 photos of the bike with a club camera. All information on the  website.  

This will protect the club and the examiners from Liabilities.  

NOTE: VIC – Registrations are different from NSW registrations  

Doug Flack – Doug examines the VIC historic vehicle only once – (first registration only). Renewals  are signed yearly by our President, Secretary, or Treasurer.  

The VIC Roads only allows 1 examiner from our Club to be authorized to examine VIC classic  bikes. 

Motion of approval. 

– Moved by Elsie Romey Seconded Mark Lennon All in Favour Carried 

  1. Club Regalia:

Kelly Coutts-Smith Meeting Activities Co-ordinator – 

Hats: $20; Stubbie Holders: $8; Stickers: $1; Sew on Patches: $10; Machine Badges: $20 NOTE: Embroidery Creations at 426 Wilson St, Albury can provide polo shirts bearing the AWMEC logo. 

  1. Guest Speaker / Show and Tell:

Kelly Coutts-Smith Meeting Activities Co-ordinator – 

  1. Glenn Withers – Suzuki 1974 TC 100  

Meal Voucher for Glen for his Presentation (The Venue supplied by AWMEC) 

Upcoming Guest Speakers; – 

Kelly Coutts-Smith Meeting Activities Co-ordinator – Please see Kelly to add your name to the list 

March – AGM – No guest Speaker 

April – Ray Waring – Isle of Man – Fastest Lap 

May – ??? 

June – ??? 

  1. Q&A Segment:

No Q & A tonight. 

  1. Whiteboard:

NOTE whiteboard items are up-to-date and listed on the Club website. 

  1. Raffle Draw:

Kelly Coutts-Smith Meeting Activities Co-ordinator  

Secretary and Treasurer have collected the funds, tonight’s Raffle has Raised $207.00 

Prize winners: 

1st – Jo Kearney – Whiskey Leviside and Mobil Sign. 

2nd – Kevin Corneliusen – Pepperjack Shiraz Yoga Towel and Roses Chocolates 3rd – Tony Ryan – Bells Whiskey, Highball Glasses ,Work Zone Wrench 

4th Stuart Moore – Shiraz and Sav Blanc Wine, Battery Pack.  

  1. Lucky Door Prize:

Donated by Lee Botting at ‘The Venue’ ( old name GAAC ), 5 McFarland Road, Wodonga Siri conducts a random number from 1 to _63_ – the attendance winner is: 59 Ray Patten Meal voucher for Ray ( suppled by “The Venue”) 

  1. Meeting Close and Next Meeting:

Next meeting will be the AGM and Members Meeting on 26th March 2024

MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS ARE PASS DUE AND MUST BE PAID. No payment means you will  have no insurance and no rego. 

Closed at the time of: 9.25pm. 

Next Meeting: 2024-03-26  

Meals, Drinks and Social catchups from 5.30. General Meeting will start at 7.30 pm, Venue: ‘The  Venue’ ( old name GAAC ), 5 McFarland Road, Wodonga